DAPP Network Projects and Communities

DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog
5 min readMar 20, 2019

Please note that the list below includes various projects that have been built using DAPP Network technology. The list has links to the projects’ websites but is not intended to endorse or recommend those projects. The projects are under the sole responsibility and liability of their creators, LiquidApps has not audited any of the code, and you should independently verify their quality before using them. If you would like to have your project or initiative listed here, please email contact@liquidapps.io with your details and information.

DAPP Network Projects and Communities

AirdropDAC: AirDropsDAC offers custom EOSIO token contract design, snapshot analysis and distribution of tokens through airdrops on all EOSIO blockchains. By utilizing vRam instead of traditional RAM, AirdropsDAC is able to offer airdrops for a fraction of the cost over traditional methods which utilize RAM as payment by the token creator for each account receiving tokens.

Blockstart: An EOSIO decentralized applications accelerator, with more than 200 active and contributing community members. Blockstart has been operating a reputable DSP since the early stages of the DAPP Network, and is the team behind some of the most innovative projects on the DAPP Network, such as DAPP Accounts and a collaboration with Moonlighting (see below).

BlokUment: An eSignature software platform leveraging blockchain as a transparent, immutable record that solves the existing pain points of digital signature software. It includes differentiated DLT-based features like decentralized third-party auditability enhancements while maintaining the same level of simplicity as its centralized counterparts. BlokUment utilizes LiquidStorage (IPFS) for document storage and a version of LiquidAccounts for its user management system.

Chintai: The DAPP token leasing market on Chintai enables businesses to decouple token ownership from token utility, allowing businesses to borrow DAPP instead of owning it (pay as you go without exposure to market conditions) in order to stake for DSP services.

Consortium DAC: Consortium is a voting protocol that addresses aspects of collective governance by enabling communities to access token-weighted voting systems. LiquidOracles are used to validate the token holdings of voters and poll creators by reading account balances held in user accounts as well as balances from liquidity pools and other DeFi and 3rd party applications to create a single aggregate balance of tokens across many protocols.

CoVax: CoVax is a community-driven project initiated by LiquidApps to fight collectively against COVID-19 by allowing end-users to donate their device’s idle processing power to researchers working to find a vaccine. CoVax was the first implementation of LiquidChains.

DAPP Account: Allows dApps to enable a simple login and blockchain transaction authentication mechanism which bridges the gap between dApps and standard web-based applications. A main use case DAPP Accounts enables is a universal worldwide banking platform.

DAPP Account DAO: DAD is a cross-chain DeFi platform that utilizes DAO governance to launch and manage the best DeFi strategies to maximize profits for token holders. Using DAPP Network’s LiquidBridge cross-chain technology, DAD can participate in yield strategies using Curve, Synthetix, and other Ethereum DeFi protocols to allow participation on EOS using cross-chain vaults and token pegs.

Dapp Solutions: DAPP Solutions are a DAPP Service Provider and incubator, providing development & inter-blockchain solutions for developers on EOSIO and beyond with easier onboarding and more seamless applications.

EOSOptions: EOSOptions is a decentralized platform that enables users to create and trade OTC options on-chain. Built on EOSIO technology, with 500 millisecond block times, EOSOptions is designed from the ground up to offer the fastest and most secure DeFi derivatives platform to date. Spot prices are relayed to the smart contract multiple times per minute using LiquidOracles and LiquidScheduler, making their price feeds orders of magnitude faster than competing decentralized derivatives platforms on Ethereum.

Equilibrium: Equilibrium is a decentralized stablecoin platform that works similarly to MakerDAO on Ethereum, but benefits from using EOSIO for low cost, high throughput transactions. Equilibrium built a system using LiquidOracles and LiquidScheduler that fetches prices in case of deviation exceeding a predefined parameter, reducing the frequency of price requests significantly and optimizing consumption of resources on the EOS network.

Joule: Joule is a decentralized Global Popularity Index, wallet, and payment network on the EOS blockchain. It measures the popularity of an item on the Joule exchange through a proprietary price discovery mechanism which allows global users to collectively determine a popularity index which reflects the fair value of an item. Joule utilizes vRam to keep resource costs to a minimum while tracking large amounts of data.

LiquidNFT: LiquidNFT is an IPFS pinning service for WAX, which makes it easy to upload image files for NFTs to be easily stored in IPFS using LiquidNFT pinning service. LiquidNFT provides free IPFS storage and pinning services for up to 1GB per account using LiquidStorage.

Moonlighting: Moonlighting is a mobile-first, on-demand solution empowering people to earn extra money and hire talented professionals quickly. Moonlighting hosts a virtual marketplace for freelancers and small businesses to hire or be hired directly from mobile devices. With an EOSIO blockchain supported platform, Moonlighting provides a full turnkey solution with a suite of tools to empower over one million independent workers worldwide. As quoted by CoinDesk, after integrating vRam into their tech stack, Moonlighting was able to make their business model viable by using vRAM to reduce their RAM requirements on EOS from $2,000 per day to about $200 per month.

Organic Community Market: OCM is an organic products marketplace that utilizes blockchain technology to bring fairness to producers and value to consumers. OCM uses LiquidAccounts to provide its end users with free blockchain accounts that are used to accumulate OCM tokens/points, which can be staked for rewards and discounts.

Onessus: GEEC & HodlGod: A 725 member community, devoted to two projects created by Onessus DAPP Development Studio: The Global Economic Esports Community project, that utilizes vRAM, LiquidOracles, and their self-created LiquidEscrow service; And HodlGod, the world’s first 3d blockchain battle royale game.

Phoenix Creator: Phoenix is a Patreon-like membership platform that connects content creators with their fans. Phoenix enables creators to develop a membership-based business. With Phoenix, fans support their preferred creators via recurring payments of a stablecoin. In return, content creators publish exclusive content available only to their fans. Creators can also give special rewards such as rare NFTs or other exclusive rewards to their subscribers. Phoenix Creator utilizes vRam, LiquidStorage (IPFS), LiquidAccounts, LiquidOracles, and LiquidX.

Vigor: With over 1,500 community members, Vigor is a decentralized borrow/lend stablecoin platform which continuously monitors risk on-chain and responds autonomously if limits are breached. During the DAPP Network hackathon Vigor used LiquidHarmony to develop a new DSP service called LiquidRisk, Vigor DAC can enable DeFi projects to work with the most advanced risk and pricing engines, such as full MonteCarlo simulations, in a way that can overcome the intensive CPU/RAM requirements such a tool would normally require.

YUP: Yup is a second layer social capital protocol that places value on people’s opinions and earned respect. It facilitates a reward scheme and governance model centered around curation that rewards users for their likes and ratings. By utilizing LiquidBridge, the cross-chain DAPP Network bridge technology, the Yup Protocol and YUP token were able to launch on both Ethereum and EOS, using the former for liquidity and the latter for scalability.

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DAPP Network
The DAPP Network Blog

DAPP Network aims to optimize development on the blockchain by equipping developers with a range of products for building and scaling dApps.