LiquidEOS Presents: Project EOS Bridge

4 min readOct 7, 2018


UPDATE: After releasing our plans for project EOS Bridge we received overwhelming support for this initiative. It was brought to our attention that there is another project with a similar goal called the Link Foundation. Naturally, this seemed like a good opportunity to strengthen both our efforts so after a short discussion with the Link Foundation we decided to combine our efforts and work together for the greater good of the EOS ecosystem.

Learn more here:



One of the most exciting outcomes of the Internet has been the birth of borderless global communities, connecting around common ideas across nations and regions. Today, with the emergence of blockchain technology, we are beginning to see the evolution of these global communities into global economies, not only unified around ideas and information but by common, borderless currencies and the applications they power. While we are just at the beginning of this transformation, its potential impact is already astounding.

However, this progress does not come without challenges. Language and cultural barriers continue to act as roadblocks to truly globalized communities. In the EOS ecosystem we are witnessing one of the clearest examples between Western and Eastern Block Producers (BPs) as we remain divided by different languages, business cultures and preferences or access to various communication platforms, among others. Both sides have limited access to information about what progress the other is making on dApps, technical innovation, infrastructure contribution, community engagement or other fronts. LiquidEOS has been observing these widening perception gaps and is committed to helping bridge this divide in order to help create a more informed and unified global EOS community — for the benefit of all.

We are proud to announce Project EOS Bridge. Our goal is to work alongside BPs and community members in both the East and the West to gather relevant information about recent developments in local communities and to better understand the dynamics in which various BPs operate. We will be synthesizing this information into a bi-weekly update to help inform all global EOS communities about trending topics, and engage those who are interested in cross-border feedback. Naturally, we will aim to provide translations in as many languages as possible, to facilitate ease of communication between parties. We believe that this more granular transparency around local landscapes and progress will be a positive step in further uniting the EOS community.

Project EOS Bridge will only be as strong as the support it receives from BPs, dApp developers, community members and voters worldwide. Our goal is to create a constant flow of high-quality information between the East and the West, strengthening the global EOS community by helping to clarify issues early and often, and facilitating greater collaboration between all parties from a place of mutual understanding.

How you can become an EOS Bridge Builder:

  1. Contribute information about what you’re working on, issues you’re debating, problems you’re seeing, solutions you’re considering, developments you’re excited about — so that your perspectives are shared globally.
  2. Help educate your local community about what is happening in other regional EOS communities by releasing your own updates and/or sharing ours.
  3. Become a regional Bridge Builder by helping to aggregate updates from BPs and stakeholders in your communities for the EOS Bridge bi-weekly update.
  4. Help EOS Bridge with translations to and from your community’s preferred languages.

We welcome all Bridge Builders to join our Telegram community for updates and other informative notifications:

We are so excited to start seeing topical updates from around the world and helping everyone stay informed about what is happening globally. We’re also eager for your feedback on this new initiative and how you think it can be most effective. Ultimately, the more people who contribute to building bridges between the various EOS communities on every continent, the more unified and productive we will become as a network.

A big thank you to our current Bridge Builders helping us aggregate updates from the East. If you’d like to join this effort in your area, please let us know.

EOS Canon — China
EOSYS- South Korea
EOS Lao Mao — Japan
JEDA — Japan

Connect with LiquidEOS via your preferred channel below to find the EOS Bridge updates as well as news on other projects we’re working on — and let us know how we can support your efforts as well.


To bridges and building,
The LiquidEOS team




EOS Block Producer in Israel with the goal of creating solutions to increase mainnet efficiency, security and scalability. EOS BP voting name: eosliquideos