Liquify’s RPCs: The Key to Scalable Dapps

4 min readFeb 27, 2024


Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) play an important role in blockchain economies. Think of RPCs as the communicative bridge that connects various decentralised applications (DApps) and services in the crypto universe. Liquify, a leading provider of bare metal servers, runs nodes on over 60 blockchains, is making RPCs easily accessible and enhances DApp performance through reliable RPC services. But how does Liquify stand out among other RPC providers?

RPCs are the connection that allows DApps and Money Legos to exist

Unlike traditional apps that depend on a central server, DApps interact with a blockchain to read and write data. RPCs allow DApps to request information from the blockchain (like account balances or transaction history) or submit new transactions to be added to the blockchain. Without RPCs, we would not have the vibrant DeFi economy of today!

To make these calls, DApps need to have access to a node. Running a node however comes with multiple tradeoffs, as we have discussed here. Most Web3 projects therefore choose an Infrastructure Provider to run a node for them, so they can focus on their DApp development. The choice between bare metal vs cloud servers in blockchain affects performance, reliability, and cost. Liquify’s mission focuses on reducing the dependence on large cloud companies by offering cost-effective bare metal server alternatives, setting a new standard for blockchain infrastructure providers.

What Makes Liquify Such a Reliable RPC Provider?

In order to move the crypto space away from cloud hosting, Liquify has made its mission to provide cost effective Bare Metal Server alternatives. Due to owning our own bare metal servers, Liquify is able to provide 99.95% uptime guaranteed by SLA.

Owning our own hardware provides multiple positive add-on effects. By having good infrastructure, we are able to scale faster, be more reliable, expand to new regions faster and are able to leverage our different locations for geomeshing and back ups in case of high traffic. Furthering our effectiveness and latency. This creates a more cost effective solution of up to 30–40% less pricey than cloud services.

Due to the huge importance of RPCs within blockchains, not noticing your node’s downtime can create high financial loss within no time. Where lots of RPC providers claim above 99% uptime, Liquify differentiates itself with actual uptime guarantees under SLA and is proud to say we are well above our 99.95% uptime offer. Uptime so high, We should call it Liquify’s Reliable Procedure Calls instead.

Liquify Nodes Support Multiple Decentralised RPC Networks

As we are moving into a multichain world with RPCs happening on a continuous basis, the landscape of RPC providers has grown substantially. Whereas in earlier times most users vaguely knew of centralised infrastructure providers like Infura and Alchemy, these days there is a plethora of decentralised networks allowing DApps to tap in for their RPC usage. Liquify has been at the forefront of participating in these networks, in order to fulfil our mission of ending reliance on cloud servers. We are partnering with some of the biggest Decentralised RPC Networks of today, such as POKT Network, Lava and DRPC.

Other worthy mentions of networks that we provide RPCs to are GameFi and L1s. DeFi Kingdoms, with their GameFi infra accounting for 2/3rds of all our RPC usage! And the L1 Fuse Network, which gave us a grant to run a public Fuse RCP point.

Altogether Liquify nodes are doing up to 500M calls a day, most on Klaytn for DFK, with Ethereum RPCs coming in second and Fuse being our number 3. Our uptime has been practically 100% the last couple of months and even in those rare chances our backup nodes are capable of jumping in. During 2023 we have expanded our node coverage from 40 to 60 blockchains!

Having Troubles With Node Uptime For Your DApp?

With our years of Infrastructure-as-a-Service experience, we are here to support you. Our RPC services range from multiple network coverage, dedicated nodes, flat fees to pay-as-you-go models. We are capable of offering nodes within the major traffic areas of the world; both coasts of the USA, The UK, Germany, Singapore and Japan. Our RPC nodes offer redundancy with backups ready and uptime of 99.95% guaranteed by SLA.

Join us in our endeavour of ending the crypto reliance on centralised cloud servers. As non-custodial alternatives like Liquify support more blockchain projects to go off cloud, we will be able to have more reliable, robust networks that truly adhere to the spirit of decentralisation.

About Liquify

Founded in 2021, Liquify Ltd is a certified UK based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) company servicing institutions and foundations. We have over $200M in staked assets and do more than 500M RPC requests per day.

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