Unlocking the Full Potential of Web3 with Liquify Advanced Custom Dashboards

5 min readMay 17, 2024

Liquify enhances Web3 communities with sophisticated, customizable dashboards that track crucial performance indicators. These tools help build trust among community members, developers, and investors, reinforcing confidence in our reliable infrastructure.

Adapting and harnessing comprehensive data insights is crucial in blockchain technology. Recognizing the importance of data in navigating the complex blockchain environment, we introduce a new era of customised dashboards designed to transform intricate blockchain data into actionable intelligence.

Key Insights

  • Liquify’s advanced custom dashboards are crucial for Web3 projects, offering key performance indicators and detailed data insights that build trust and boost efficiency.
  • These dashboards provide extensive visibility into node distribution performance tracking and are fully customizable.
  • They feature deep metrics that are key to network resilience, such as node addresses, client versions, and ISPs, to help understand geographical and technological diversity better.
  • Liquify’s customizable THORChain [RUNE] dashboard provides comprehensive insights into network health, node activity, and financial metrics.

Our robust monitoring solutions and user-friendly dashboards boost the operational efficiency and resilience of Web3 projects, ensuring their success in the decentralised ecosystem. We offer flexible solutions tailored to your needs, from simple Grafana-based dashboards to fully customised systems that meet any specification.

Our vast network spans nodes on over 60 chains, allowing us to create customised dashboards that democratise access to and understanding of decentralised systems. Liquify’s services include RPCs, Archival Nodes, Snapshots, and SubGraphs, all crucial for developing analytical dashboard tools.

The Critical Role of Dashboards in Blockchain Ecosystems

Dashboards are indispensable tools within any blockchain ecosystem. They connect blockchain activities and the community, ensuring stakeholders are well-informed and empowered to make data-driven decisions. These tools are designed to display data and make it work effectively for you, providing real-time insights critical for maintaining an edge.

What Sets Liquify Dashboards Apart?

Our meticulously crafted dashboards offer a crystal-clear view of the chain data and validator nodes. We delve deep into the metrics that matter — node addresses, client versions, or the locations of these nodes.

By identifying the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) hosting these nodes, such as AWS, we ensure that users gain a comprehensive understanding of the nodes’ geographical distribution and technological diversity. This knowledge is crucial for assessing the network’s resilience and operational efficiency.

Detailed Features of Liquify Blockchain Dashboards

  • Visibility into Node Distribution: We provide detailed insights into the distribution of nodes across multiple chains, which is vital for understanding network topology and resilience.
  • Performance Tracking: Our dashboards meticulously track performance indicators such as the amount staked, missed blocks, uptime percentage, and rewards generated. These insights are crucial for evaluating the profitability and health of blockchain operations.
  • Customisation and Flexibility: Each dashboard is fully customisable, allowing users to tailor the information and presentation to meet their needs. This flexibility ensures that every stakeholder can extract the maximum value from their data, from node operators to investors.

Enhancing Network Health with Real-Time Data

The latest update to our flagship dashboard includes several innovative features designed by listening to community feedback:

  • Historical Data Analysis: Users can now access historical performance data for nodes, providing a deeper understanding of long-term trends and behaviours.
  • Interactive Graphs: New interactive graphs display the bond metrics over time, clearly representing growth and changes within the ecosystem.

THORChain Web3 Dashboard powered by Liquify

Liquify powers dashboards for major Web3 players, such as THORChain and the Maya Protocol. These dashboards aggregate information from various sources to present a complete view of active, standby, and retired network nodes in one intuitive platform.

Our THORChain Dashboard has been thoroughly updated and is fully customizable. It has provided node managers and users with insights into the network’s health for nearly two years.

THORChain, a permissionless Layer 1 cross-chain decentralised exchange built on the Cosmos SDK, simplifies trading by allowing swaps of native assets — avoiding the complexity of wrapped assets. Our dashboard enhances this simplicity by offering customised data insights tailored to THORChain’s needs and user preferences.

It highlights active bonding nodes per chain, which is crucial for THORChain’s cross-chain operations and helps node managers quickly identify and address common errors. New features now include historical data on node rewards and slashes, viewable through graphs for better comparative analysis.

Recent updates also introduced a graph showing THORChain’s total bond, reflecting significant ecosystem growth. We’ve also added features for advanced reporting on node performance, enabling easy generation of detailed financial reports. Continuing to evolve with the blockchain, Liquify is developing more enhancements, including a comprehensive Network Health Panel and historical reporting on bond slashes.

The Future of Liquify Blockchain Dashboards

As blockchain technologies continue to evolve, so do our dashboards. We are committed to continuous improvement and developing additional features to enhance user experience and provide deeper insights into blockchain ecosystems. These future enhancements include:

  • Expanded Historical Reporting: More detailed reports on the historical performance of nodes, including reward and slashing history.
  • Network Health Panel: A comprehensive overview of the health and status of various chains connected to the network, providing essential information on network pauses and anomalies.

Leverage Liquify Web3 Dashboards

Our advanced custom dashboards are more than just tools — they are critical to a successful blockchain strategy. They enable real-time, informed decision-making that can dramatically enhance blockchain operations’ operational efficiency and security. Contact us today for more information or to leverage these powerful dashboards for your blockchain projects.

Stay abreast of our advancements and learn how our RPC infrastructure and services can transform your Web3 App. Follow us on social media, bookmark our blog, and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest insights.




Liquify is an all in one staking and management platform customised for enterprise and institutional partners