A Guide to Red Zinfandel, White Zinfandel, and How to Pair Zinfandel Wines

2 min readMay 20, 2022


Red Zinfandel and White Zinfandel wines are two of the most popular types of wine in the United States. Both wines are made from the same type of grape, but the red wine is made with red grapes and the white wine is made with white grapes.

Zinfandel wines New York are known for their fruity flavors, which make them perfect for pairing with food. The following guide will help you choose the right Zinfandel wine for your meal.

When pairing Zinfandel with food, it is important to keep in mind the acidity level of the wine. Zinfandel wines range from dry to sweet, so it is important to find a balance that will complement your dish. For example, a dry Zinfandel wine would pair well with a grilled steak, while a sweeter Zinfandel would be better suited for a dessert.

The following are some general guidelines for pairing Zinfandel wines with food:

-Pair dry Zinfandel wines with hearty dishes such as steak, lamb, or game.

-Pair sweet Zinfandel wines with desserts or fruits.

-Pair semi-sweet or off-dry Zinfandel wines with poultry, pork, or pasta dishes.

Now that you know how to pair Zinfandel wines with food, it is time to choose the right wine for your next meal. Whether you are looking for a dry red wine to pair with steak or a sweet white wine to enjoy with dessert, there is a Zinfandel wine that will suit your needs.

