Experience the GAMI World

Li Sa
12 min readMar 8, 2022


GAMI is a play-to-earn blockchain-based gaming studio, leveraging augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), Blockchain, and NFT technologies to give gamers the ultimate playing experience and allow them to earn while having fun.

Why is GAMI unique?

For mainstream gamers to fully adopt and benefit from the Play-2-Earn revolution requires them to bridge their knowledge gap of blockchain technology, in particular, being the sole custodian of their wallet and the assets owned! It is complex, daunting and will require time and education for this knowledge gap to be bridged and for mass adoption to take place.

GAMI is adopting a dual model ecosystem to ensure there are no barriers to adoption and mainstream gamers can enjoy the games created by GAMI Studio without being scared off by the technology and ownership responsibilities that they may not be ready for at the start of their journey.

Gamers can play the games as a Free-to-Play model and enjoy the games as pure entertainment with their friends. Once they become more immersed into the game and become skilled and attain high MMA scores, they will qualify for the reward (crypto) tournaments. This is when they can choose to learn more about the benefits of Play-2-Earn component of the game and make the transition on their own terms, with the help of the app and the community!

GAMI Studio empowers gamers to have full ownership of their in-game assets (NFTs) and the freedom to monetize them as they choose, the total opposite of current mainstream games!

It also allows gamers to stake their tokens and become members of their chosen empire (DAO) and take part in the decision-making process (governing council & treasury). Enjoying NFT drops and passive income.

Unlike some games, GAMI provides its users a platform to voice their opinions and participate in the decision making, as to what direction the platform should take.

How to Play

Gamers can choose characters from historic civilizations; join an empire and fight in ranked PvP battles. Increase MMA score and qualify for Battle Tournaments against warriors from opposing empires. Win and gain victory for your empire and share in the booty.

The gameplay has three main components:


  • Become the best skilled warrior and climb up the ranks (score) to qualify for reward tournaments against warriors from opposing empires


  • Real time battles against players from around the world. Compete in tiered tournaments according to your skill level. Higher tier equals higher rewards, more booty for you and your empire to share


  • Players make strategic decisions in the governance of the empire (governing council & treasury) to ensure growth and supremacy over other empires

Characters and Empires

There are three characters currently on the platform representing the following empires: Vikings, Samurais and Ottomans.


$GAMI is the native token of the platform that powers the ecosystem.

Token Utility


The team is made up of entrepreneurs, technical geeks, and creative people, who are passionate about blockchain and gaming.


GAMI is an exciting new mobile game that merges two of the hottest trends in gaming; RPG (Role-Playing Games) and BRG (Battle Royale Games) that leverages Augmented Reality to create an incredible, immersive game play experience. Think Fortnite meets Pokemon Go, where­­ gamers fight in battles to earn tokens that have real value. This experience is further enhanced by allowing gamers to enjoy true ownership of their in-game assets via NFTs. This new wonderful gaming world is only now possible because of the rapid development in blockchain technology.

GAMI is a play-to-earn blockchain based gaming studio, leveraging AR, VR and NFT technologies to give gamers the ultimate playing experiences and rewarding them for their enjoyment. This new gaming world begins with two epic games.

We’re creating a mobile game where gamers can choose characters from historic civilisations whom they can nurture, train and develop to achieve greatness by battling, winning and ascending to the top. A game that allows gamers to take control and re-write history through complex role play and strategical battles. Champions will taste victory and their spoils of war will be in the form of tokens earned from the battle tournaments. These tokens will have real world value and can be used in powering up the character and furthering the supremacy of both character and empire. Each empire will become a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) and its members (gamers) will decide its future. Will it become a leading civilisation or will it implode? Play and find out!

The game itself combines AR experiences with the disruptive innovations that are only possible through blockchain technology, namely:

  • Ownership (NFTs)
  • Play to earn (GameFi)
  • Community governance (DAO)

Creating the next generation gaming experiences that empower the gamer and the community!


WHAT IS AR (Augmented Reality)

Augmented reality is the integration of digital information with the real time environment of the user. In gaming, unlike virtual reality, augmented reality utilises existing environment and enhances it with an overlay of distinct virtual features.

In addition to this, augmented reality helps in creating a view for the gamers with intense video, graphics and sound by using a device-camera. For games on smartphones, augmented reality has become an important tool as it enables the gamers to create their own characters, targets and racing terrains. It also enables them to scan their local surroundings so as to invite their neighbours and create a virtual track.

This technology is an innovative way to bring the real & virtual worlds together and gaming is the perfect medium to experience and enjoy this technology.

The global augmented reality gaming market reached a value of US$ 4.7 Billion in 2020. Looking forward, the global augmented reality gaming market is to reach a value of US$ 28.60 Billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 34.80% during 2021–2026. (BUSINESS WIRE)

We want to capture a portion of this growth by merging three of the most innovative and disruptive powerful technologies modern civilisation is currently experiencing, namely:

AR (Augmented Reality), NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) and the Blockchain (Public Distributed Ledger)

Blockchain technology in particular has powered the rapid rise in Defi (Decentralised Finance). This has exploded in 2021 with a value exceeding 50 Billion USD (at the time of writing) and this will only grow!

We feel the gaming environment is a fun way to take advantage of this seismic shift, where gamers can generate income (active or passive) whilst doing what they enjoy the most, playing games.


Our vision is to create a game where gamers truly own what they collect (pay for) and their favourite game becomes a source of income for their enjoyment.

GAMI envisages to become the first AR mobile game powered by a decentralized application (Dapp) on the blockchain. We are bringing four new dimensions to the gaming industry through the GAMI native token:

  • Ownership
  • Play to earn
  • Governance
  • Staking


All mainstream games are centralised, meaning all in-game assets are stored on centralised databases. This results in a world where gamers have no true sovereignty over their characters and in-game assets, rendering them perpetually reliant on centralized entities.

GAMI solves this problem by adopting the power of NFT technology. All in-game assets will be NFTs allowing gamers to maintain ownership of all their purchases. All NFTs will reside in the personal wallets of gamers and no one other than the wallet holder can access the NFTs.

These NFTs are based on the BEP-721 standard allowing items to be unique, have value and be transferable throughout the blockchain ecosystem. Gamers will be able to sell their in-game assets to other gamers within the Gami ecosystem, making true ownership possible for gamers.

Play to earn

Your enjoyment should have value! You have the freedom to personalise and develop your favourite character and empower him/her with the best skills, weapons & skins (NFTs) to advance you in the game and ensure qualification for the most rewarding battle tournaments.

The more people you invite to join the game, your influencer points will increase, making your character more influential and therefore have more weight in the decision making processes within the Empire (DAO).

Your character excitement doesn’t stop there. Go into battle in a digital space with people all over the world, or spawn into your character and battle it out in the real world using Augmented Reality.

Immerse yourself in game theory, have fun and keep being rewarded!

Governance (DAO)

A project is only as strong as its community and we want to ensure the community has a voice and a say in the direction the platform takes.

Each community member that stakes their GAMI token will have a voice that can be expressed through votes on the future decisions of the platform. The structuring of the DAO will be developed over time in conjunction with the community.

We will also take the DAO concept into the game. Allowing empires to become DAOs (with their own treasury). Whoever stakes their GAMI token qualifies to join their given DAO and vote in strategical decisions to further the expansion and dominance of their empire (DAO) over others.


Gamers staking their GAMI tokens will qualify for NFT airdrops on top their voting rights.

Up to two percent of the total GAMI tokens will be set aside to reward liquidity providers. They will be able to stake their LP tokens to earn GAMI tokens based on a variable APY.


Imagine going back in-time and becoming one of the iconic characters from different civilisations in history. Men and women that changed the future for better or worse. Here is your chance to become those momentous figures, take control and rewrite history.

We will have characters from all the past civilisations and empires. You can choose the character you want to become and further the cause of the empire your character belongs to. It will be a journey that you will fully immerse yourself in, by:

Nurturing, training and gaining skills to qualify for the highest ranking battle tournaments, and doing so in your own style by personalising your character with the skins and weapons of your choice.

Many different features will be added to enhance the social aspect, storyline and competition within the game. These will be built around play-to-earn mechanisms and will include:

  • Quests and activities to further the progression of your character
  • Bring the digital battles into the real world via the use of AR technology
  • Build your skill levels
  • Become an influential member within the DAO who can direct policy/strategy of the empire
  • Recruit skilled gamers for your empire
  • Individual, team and empire rankings

The cornerstone of the game will be the ability to purchase in game assets in the form of NFTs to further your game play. When you no longer require these in-game assets, you can sell them to other gamers or exchange them within the platform.

The GAMI token and G-BUCK (Dollar equivalent) token will be the in game currencies used to purchase in game assets (NFTs).

The mobile App will be released in phases along with enhanced gameplay features. Full details of the gameplay features will accompany each App release.

Game Ecosystem

Flow 1

Buy GAMI token via Dex (Decentralised exchange) or G-BUCK (In game NON crypto currency that is Dollar equivalent) via App.

Stake GAMI token to gain voting rights in platform DAO and in-game empire DAO, also qualify for NFT airdrops.

Buy NFTs with GAMI token or G-BUCK (In game NON crypto currency that is Dollar equivalent) to play the game. Battle with other gamers in ranking events and increase your ranking score to qualify for the highest tournaments. Battle in highest tournaments to win the biggest rewards for you & your empire in GAMI tokens.


Total Supply: 1.5 Billion

Launch Price: $0.10

Circulating Supply At Launch: 9,750,000

Market Cap At Launch: $975,000

Fix Supply, No Inflation

Liquidity Locked for 1 Year

Token Will Be On Multi-Chains But Launch On BSC

Vesting Schedule


Blockchain and Crypto is an innovative space where wonderful ideas are being experimented with. Unfortunately, most of these ideas can’t achieve actual realisation as their business models are not sustainable. They do not have robust revenue models and strong customer acquisition plans that will allow for the business to grow and achieve success.

For GAMI we thought long and hard on how to make the platform sustainable and achieve a profitable ecosystem that is built on sound fundamental building blocks ensuring the project has longevity.

Our focus will be the following:

  1. Generate multiple revenue streams
  2. Maintain reward pools without exhausting all reward tokens
  3. Replenish foundation pool tokens to be able to invest in future platform growth
  4. Build customer acquisition model into our core product

Sale of NFTs

The customisation, progression and tournament participation will require the purchase of different NFTs.

Types of NFTs

  • Characters
  • Skins
  • Fireballs & Ammunition
  • Weapons & Armour
  • Battle Courts
  • Animations

Periodically, a finite number of new limited edition NFTs will be released, allowing gamers to purchase them.

Transaction fees

There are two types of Transactional fees, GAMI token transaction fees and NFT Sale transaction fees.

GAMI token transaction fees

There will be a 1% transaction fee for when buying & selling the Gami token on a dex. These fees will be used for:

  1. Liquidity
  2. Foundation

NFT sale transaction fees

NFTs that are re-sellable can be sold within the platform. Each NFT sold will also have a 5% transaction fee where the buyer pays 2.5% and the seller pays 2.5%.

These fees will be split and used to replenish both Foundation & Reward pool tokens.

Advertising revenue

There are many key places where in game Advertising can take place. Such as before ranking and tournament battles, winning ceremonies and in meetups.

Product placement revenue

In game product placement will allow brands to have branded in-game NFTs that will have an ongoing brand presence.

A portion of Ad revenue will be used to buy the GAMI token from the open market and replenish the Reward pool tokens.

Gamer earnings

We strongly believe a successful project is built by having a strong community, who add real value through their engagement, making it a fun and an enjoyable experience for everyone within the ecosystem.

A key distinction between GAMI and non-blockchain based games is that; everything a gamer has accumulated from skills, ranking, in game collectables and trophies, has no value once he/she decides to stop playing the game and decides to move on. In GAMI, not only are your NFTs re-sellable but so is your character with all its accumulated value. Allowing the gamer to fully cash out. Making game play in GAMI, both fun, and a financially rewarding experience!

Many NFTs will be sought after due to its rarity, these can be sold to other gamers for a premium. There will also be NFTs a gamer no longer wants, these can be resold to other gamers, freeing up capital to purchase new NFTs or just simply cashing out.

Earnings from the battle tournaments will be based on one’s Skill level. Higher the Skill level, the gamer will qualify for higher ranked tournaments. He/she can participate in those tournaments as long as they have a NFT character that is equivalent to the rank of the tournament that they qualified for. If they do not own the relevant ranked NFT character, they can rent one from a gaming guild.

We want to make sure the gamers with the most skill in the game are rewarded accordingly, whilst having fun.


Agile philosophy

Traditional management methods with top down structures are often too slow to respond to rapid changes on the ground that require quick decisions and an even quicker change in allocation of resources.

  • Short development cycles with successive versions of the release.
  • Quick feedback loop from the GAMI community.
  • Incremental approach (tests and improvement with each iteration).
  • Daily scheduling of tasks and team briefings.

This agile management process will allow us to quickly respond to the ever fast changing requirements of this disruptive technology and market opportunities that may arise.

Our road map is outlined below, however, we will change course if the technology or market conditions require us to do so!

Q3 2021

• Conceptualisation of game & platform

• White paper

• V1 of branding (website & app)

• Mobile App (Invite only Alpha version)

Q4 2021

• Develop first batch of characters & empires

• Test game theory & algorithm

• V2 branding (Website & App)

Q1 & Q2 2022

• Launch GAMI token

• Staking contract for LP

• Mobile App (Beta, open to public)

• Mobile Game V1 (with AR integration)

• Complete all characters & empires in 3D

• Introduce complex gameplay

• Empires become DAOs

• In-game rankings & scoreboards

• Develop GAMI DAO structure

🌐 Website
💬 Telegram
💬 Telegram
🗒 Whitepaper
📖 Blog



Li Sa

Graphics designer | Writer | Curative Ability | Good listening and Communication skills | Quick ability to adapt | Team player