A Puzzling Cancer Story from Dr. Axe

Lis Carpenter
3 min readNov 22, 2019


Ok, now my memory isn’t the best, but I could have sworn I read that Dr. Axe had healed himself of cancer a few years ago, but now all I can find is the story of how he guided his mom back to health.

Photo by Vanessa Bumbeers on Unsplash

Every boy dreams of helping his mom, and when Josh Axe was young, he had to watch helplessly as his mother suffered through a mastectomy and four rounds of chemo. She was stage-4. He was barely a teen.

She never fully recovered: suffering from chronic fatigue, digestive issues, and depression.

And, this was her state of being until the cancer returned. This time showing up in her lungs.

This story of his mom’s recovery from stage-4 cancer is featured in Dr. Axe’s book, Eat Dirt: Why Leaky Gut May Be the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5 Surprising Steps to Cure It.

He was 24 and working as a clinical nutritionist when he got the dreaded call that the cancer had returned and now he was in the perfect position to help.

His response: “Mom, please don’t worry. Your body has the ability to heal. We just need to stop feeding the cancer cells and get to the root cause of the disease.”

Fast Food is Generally Bad Food

  • He tossed all her boxed cereals.
  • He tossed her 90% juice boxes with “natural flavors.”
  • He tossed all the MSG-enriched, GMO chips and crackers.
  • He tossed her cereal bars of delicious ‘high fructose corn syrup’ and soy protein.
  • He tossed her salad dressings with their lovely health-depleting hydrogenated oils.
  • He tossed her refined sugar and white flour.
  • And, then he emptied the refrigerator of condiments ( margarine, sauces, coffee creamers, skim milk, mayonnaise, and cheese)

Afterward, he took her shopping for whole foods (specifically wild caught meat or pasture-raised without anti-biotics and greens) and nutritional supplements (turmeric, frankincense oil, vitamin D3, specific mushrooms, a soil-based organisms probiotic, bone broth).

Get the full lifestyle plan he created for his mother here: www.draxe.com/healing-plan-bonus

It’s a funny thing that I know for a fact. Poor quality food leads to obesity, depression, and host of other diseases. And, forget what you’ve been trained to think is healthy. In the famous words of Jack LaLanne (creator of the powerjuicer) “ If man made it, don’t eat it.”

Have You Heard of Dr. Axe?

It’s hard not to have heard of Dr. Axe as he has been frequently called upon by Dr. Oz and other media personalities for nutrition advice.

And, I was a little annoyed that he seemed to be biting off of Dr. Mercola, but I have to admire how he diligently built his online health empire by consistently putting out high quality content and then hiring a team to do the same.

I am an essential oil junkie so his article highlighting frankincense as a cancer-killer caught my attention, and I am excited to pick up his essential oil book Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine

Further Reading for the

Writing this article gave me some trouble because I could not find Dr. Axe’s healing journey, that was the puzzling part, and he never claimed his mother was cured in the excerpt I read (probably to avoid being jailed), he just shared about her current vibrant health, but I did find a host of other articles that I found interesting, and I know you’ll love if you love natural healing.

10 Natural Cancer Treatments Revealed: (the specific type of mushrooms and frankincense to use for cancer is mentioned)

Tips for Beating Cancer: Activate Your Body’s 5 Health Defense Systems: (not an easy read b/c it’s in interview format but valuable info like 4 cancer-killing foods to add to your list)

What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things: (TV? synthetic scents?)

Dr. Josh Axe On Natural Healing For Cancer And Other Dangerous Diseases: (learn about probiotic foods, why supplements only work for people with healthy diets, and which emotion is linked to cancer)

Affiliate Disclosure: If you get Dr. Axe’s book from my link Amazon pays me for the referral, and I feel happy and positive about writing more articles to help you :)



Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.