And God Said Let There Be Light: The Return of Frequency Healing

Lis Carpenter
5 min readFeb 27, 2023


Up until this point, most of my reporting has been hearsay.

I mean, I can say for certain that my mother and others in my family have used bitter apricot seeds to put various cancers into remission.

However, most of my articles have been reports from years of research and hearing the same things repeated from multiple sources.

But, now, I have been brought into an area of research experientially. This is the Prife Iteracare terahertz frequency healing wand.

IteracareTM benefits poster.

I will try to do this machine justice. All I can say is, I don’t know, all I know is my spine was crooked for 30 years and one shoulder was lower than the other, and now my shoulders are even.

And, somehow… my mom has been using it on her eyes (for just a month) and her vision went from the -4 range to the -2 range.

Is she the only one having near miraculous results? Of course not.

A testimonial screenshot by Sheron Knight.

Maybe they’re lying to sell more products or maybe… this technology was released before by other inventors and suppressed.

DID YOU KNOW Nikola Telsa invented a wand he called the violet ray for healing ailments in…

  • pain in the nerves
  • wound healing
  • reducing fatty tissue in skin
  • increasing blood circulation and metabolism
  • anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, and skin tightening
A list of diseases that the violet ray was said to help with

I also want to talk about Rife technology because I suspect that Prife must have borrowed from some of Tesla’s and Royal Rife’s research to create this terahertz frequency wand, but… you’ll have to read the summaries below to see.

One of the lead researchers in the company said that the company name Prife was a mashup of two words prime + life “prime of your life.” I like my theory better.

So, guys and gals, ladies and gents, please do yourself a favor and watch a few YouTube testimonials of this thing. It’s amazing, and amazingly confounding how many ailments it appears to help with. Why should we care?

Welcome to the world of 5G that you all were waiting so eagerly to enter.

Now you have your “genetically enhanced” foods and super-powered phones that are causing cancer to spike.

But, do you have anything that will protect you from these technological advances that are making us sick?

Companies like Prife have the answer to balance the assaults on our bodies.

So, I leave you with that my friend. The solutions aren’t cheap, but the alternative of illness is much more expensive.

Summary of Royal Rife’s according to the probably biased government that confiscated his research:)

Royal Rife was an American inventor who claimed to have developed a “RIFE machine” that could cure various diseases through the use of electromagnetic frequencies. Rife’s claims were based on his theory that each disease had a specific electromagnetic frequency associated with it, and that exposing the body to this frequency could destroy the disease-causing organisms.

Rife’s research was based on the use of a microscope he had designed himself, which he claimed was capable of magnifying specimens up to 60,000 times. Using this microscope, he claimed to have observed microorganisms that he believed to be the cause of many diseases, including cancer. He also claimed to have identified the specific frequencies that could destroy these microorganisms.

Rife’s claims gained some popularity in the 1930s, and he founded the Rife Research Institute to promote his work. However, his claims were largely discredited by the scientific community, who found no evidence to support his theory or the effectiveness of his machine in treating disease (unless you ask these scientists)

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies, A TEDx Talk.
Using sound waves to destroy cancer, a TEDX talk.

The American Medical Association labeled Rife’s work as a fraud, and the Federal Trade Commission eventually shut down the Rife Research Institute for making false claims.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support Rife’s claims, some individuals and companies continue to promote RIFE machines as a form of alternative medicine. However, there is no reliable evidence to suggest that these machines are effective in treating any disease.

Summary of Nikola Tesla’s Violet Ray that Nobody’s Heard of, but Some People In NZ Claim to Sell

The Violet Ray is a small handheld device that produces high-frequency electrical currents. When applied to the skin, it creates a gentle, warming sensation and a violet-colored light. The device was marketed as a medical instrument and was used to treat a variety of ailments, including arthritis, neuralgia, and skin conditions.

The article goes on to explain that the Violet Ray works by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. The electrical current generated by the device causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, increasing blood flow and oxygenation to the tissues. This increased circulation helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

The Violet Ray also produces ozone, a powerful antimicrobial agent. When applied to the skin, the ozone produced by the device can help to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that may be contributing to skin infections or other conditions.

Overall, the Violet Ray was a popular device in the early 20th century and was used by both medical professionals and laypeople alike. While its exact mechanisms of action are not well understood, many people reported significant improvements in their health after using the device. However, as with any medical treatment, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using the Violet Ray or any other medical device.

This summary fails to mention the government shutting down the manufacturer. But, anywho the technology is back and spreading like wildfire.

If you want to know what one of these can do for you for your specific condition, message on WhatsApp me here. And, if you don’t use WhatsApp, the number there still works for regular texts:)



Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.