Fighting to Spread the Truth About Cancer

Lis Carpenter
3 min readNov 23, 2019


Ty Bollinger has literally made it his business to get the truth out about the causes and effective natural treatments for cancer. I share here his story of loss that shaped his brand The Truth About Cancer and war against the propaganda of Big Pharma.

Photo by Greg Ortega on Unsplash

He lost his mom and dad. He lost his grandfather and uncle…

So, he wants the world to know about the intentional suppression of natural treatments for cancer. That is the Truth About Cancer.

The Common Treatments


It’s an understatement to say that the common treatments for cancer are counter-intuitive. A part of your body may have a cancerous lump, but puncturing that lump for a biopsy can cause the cancer to spread. And, cutting out the lump does not prevent the cancer from “coming back” because cancer is not a disease. Cancer is the result of a body in a diseased state with a failing immune system.

How to explain? The body is very intelligent, so it quarantines threats like viruses. Mutated cells are threats, so they are quarantined and may continue to grow (in the form of a tumor) unless the immune system is strengthened to the point that it can take care of the problem.

Of course, you cannot trust my word, I am not a medical professional. I am just a person who reads and has used alternative treatments to keep my family alive. For those who won’t give up their SAD (Standard American Diet) full of processed foods, there is little hope of a vibrant life or full recovery, but for those who are willing to read the writing on the wall and see that they are Killing Themselves in the name of convenience, then we may just have the solution that’s been here all along, hiding in plain sight.

Photo: Simon Davis/DFID — Flickr


Chemotherapy is a misnomer. The Oxford Dictionary defines therapy as treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. But, chemo furthers the disorder of the body — basically killing every cell in it’s path along with the cancerous ones.

Only doctors of alternative medicine will tell you that chemo kills more people than cancer ever could. Cancer doesn’t cause you to lose your hair, chemo does. The chemicals literally burn the life out of you.


Radiation is the same. It literally burns the life out of you; we ordinarily avoid radiation like the plague because WE KNOW IT CAUSES CANCER. Yet, this is still one of the leading treatments for the disorder.

The most damning fact is Chemo causes cancer… Radiation causes cancer.

Not to mention, if you think eating healthy is expensive, try getting cancer. Even with insurance, the medical bills from cancer can cripple a family for decades or life.


I tell people all the time now detoxing is not a fad, it is a necessity of living in a modern world where we are exposed to thousands of TOXIC chemicals every day. It’s not enough to switch over your diet to organic foods or to just be active because there are so many ways that we are being exposed. Here is the short list:

  • Plastics
  • Pesticides
  • Air pollution
  • Personal Care Products
  • Vaccines
  • Amalgam fillings (from dental work)
  • Conventional Household Cleaners
  • Fluoride
  • Food Additives & Fillers
  • Pharmaceutical drugs

Visit Ty’s Article: Fact Over Fad: Why Body Detoxification is Essential for Vibrant Health for the long list of toxic chemicals in your environment.

That’s all for today family, wishing you truly vibrant health!




Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.