Hal Elrod Beat Cancer

Lis Carpenter
3 min readNov 21, 2019


Lung cancer?! That only happens to smokers and people who have worked in buildings with asbestos, right?

Okay, so he might not have had lung cancer, but Hal woke up to a nightmare he didn’t imagine could happen to someone as health conscious as him. Like Dr. V, he practiced healthy eating and exercise habits. How could this happen to him?

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

One of the main things you can do to prevent Cancer from running rampant in your body is to starve it by not consuming sugar. Hal Elrod limited his sugar intake, but that was not enough to prevent the disease from coming for him.

He mentioned chlorinated water being a problem. Why? 70% of your immune system is in your gut, and that immune system requires certain bacteria to function properly. So, being immuno-compromised can simply mean you are bathing in, swimming in, and drinking chlorinated water that kills your good gut bacteria.

Your immune system is what beats cancer, and most cancer drugs weaken your immune system. Hal shares all of this on his Achieve Your Goals podcast, and has not released his book YET on his cancer survivor story. He was told he had a 30% chance to live with his aggressive form of cancer which he believes might have been triggered by multiple exposures to radiation after a life-threatening car accident (in which he did die for a few seconds).

Your mindset and response to the news determines whether you live or die. Hal said he thinks the ones who died from the condition stayed in a place of fear. And, he believes he lived because he replaced his fear with faith.

He used his sales training to move himself from a place of fear to a place of rational action, to move towards life. The “five minute rule” he teaches is to allow yourself to react emotionally for five minutes, but then to accept 100% what you cannot change and move forward. This creates a state of peace rather than fear that floods your body with the stress hormone cortisol (that makes you fat and sick).

The best of both worlds? Hal was told by his oncologist that his chances of surviving without chemotherapy were next to none, so he reluctantly took the chemo and searched for inspiration, which he found through Chris Beat Cancer (Chris Wark). Chris Wark’s book of the same title came out in 2018. So, if you are currently suffering from the disease and doctors are scaring the life out of you, I recommend you check out his website, Youtube channel, and his book.

Hal also attributes his success in healing to the miracle equation that he discovered while working in sales:


Hal’s healing process included: Hyper-cvad chemoAn abbreviation for a chemotherapy combination used to treat some types of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) (from cancer dot gov), a positive mindset (focusing on the positive, his desired outcome, visualizing himself living to 100, and using specific daily affirmations that fed his faith), and the best holistic healing practices that he could find (around 30–40 supplements, fresh organic juice, acupuncture, ozone saunas, etc.).

He understood that most people who take chemo die from chemo toxicity which he described as the toxic chemicals building up in your body’s toxin elimination organs (mainly the liver and kidneys). Because of this, he went for coffee enemas to help detox his liver. He made the decision to take control of his own health by doing everything he would do in the way of detoxifying his organs, building his immune system, and healing his body from the chemo. He didn’t have an easy time, but he made it through.

Hal Recommendations:

Healing Cancer from the Inside Out [a documentary].

Brian Johnson’s Conquering Cancer 101 [a Facebook video].

Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life [a book].

Chris Beat Cancer [a website].

Healing Cancer from the Inside Out [a documentary].



Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.