
Lisa Dawn
Aug 24, 2022


Waves of inspiration rush towards you. Are you in the Flow?

Photo by Lukas Kloeppel:

Ripples of current

Flow my way

Waves of Inspiration

Waiting to land

Flow Flow Flow

Engorging my brain

Like an orgasm

Can’t you see?

Can’t you feel?

The cool green

Of ecstatic bliss

Nature’s wavelength

Right at your Frequency

Live, Live On

Join the Flow

The current of Love

Rippling through

In Universal Oneness

Ebbs and Flows of Unity

Are you willing to receive?

Are you willing to give?

The One Source, The Infinite One

Rippling through the cells of

Earth’s creation

And You, Dear One

Ripples of Joy or Fear?

Ripples of Peace or Despair?

Ripples of Love or Despondency?

The Choice is Yours

To welcome or reject

Oh they’re here

Piercing your Heart space

With Pure Love and Light

And then,

Flowing to the next One ….



Lisa Dawn

Lisa is an expat, mother of 3, attorney, homeopath and spiritual way-seeker. Come and join me on my transformative path through the depths of the soul.🌟