An Intimate Look Inside A Marriage Affected by Sex Addiction

A traumatic and hopeful journey from a woman who’s seen it all

Lisa Bradburn
Published in
9 min readApr 2, 2020


Woman and man kiss, photo taken in black and white
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Pam is a former wife of a sex addict. She’s an anonymous close contact of mine who has agreed to open the window on her twenty-year marriage with an SA (the abbreviated term for a Sex Addict). In the following interview, Pam shares her endured pain, eventual freedom, and how she became a knowledgable voice for spouses of SA’s.

In Understanding Sex Addiction, Pam defined pornography or sex addiction, provided the signs to watch for, described the slippery slope of descent into the habit, and outlined what chemical changes occur in the brain. She described how our current climate of self-isolation might exacerbate the issue for SA’s given they’re spending a considerable amount of time with partners. Pam also explained the symptoms of withdrawal. Finally, North American treatment opportunities and outreach resources were provided.

I continued to speak with Pam about her journey.

[Lisa] Tell me about your husband’s behavior leading up to your discovery.

[Pam] My marriage was in trouble for some time. He (Pam’s former husband, we’ll call Jake for anonymity) already slept in the spare room, and we seldom made love. Jake always had an excuse or…



Lisa Bradburn

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Coach at the intersection of faith, technology, and the human condition. Let’s chat: