Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Lisa Ceizyk
8 min readMay 6, 2024

How To Stop Believing The Lies

Photo by Ludovica Dri on Unsplash

There is a large mirror in the entryway where the challengers
wait for me to give my talks. It breaks my heart to see how they
all turn their backs to the mirror. I know why. I have been there.
Even after I lost 80lbs it took me a while to get used to this new
person I saw reflected at me. I used to avoid the mirror and the
scale at all costs.
Yet I had this weird thing when I looked in the mirror even at
my heaviest, I thought, ‘Ok I do not look that bad!’ It was when
I saw a picture of myself I thought, ‘Who is that gross fat
woman staring back at me? Is that really what I look like? How
did I go from the NYC model to this?’ I started not wanting to
go to social functions. Avoided seeing friends and family I had
not seen in a long time. Avoided being in pictures or hid behind
my daughter in pictures. The mirror for some reason did not
bother me as much as pictures. However, I also did not seek
out looking at myself in the mirror. I hated going to get my hair
done and sitting there staring at myself in the mirror feeling
uncomfortable. Are my thighs really that big? Does my
stomach really have that many rolls? Is that a double chin or
loose skin I see?
I started thinking about the ginormous book written by
Napoleon Hill that I read in thirty days just to prove to Frack I
could change my life. However, I did not retain much that I can just rattle off the top of my…



Lisa Ceizyk

Mama Bear of a former frozen embryo, sex trafficking survivor, healer, women’s trauma & abuse recovery coach, in love with Jesus. Women: You ARE worth it.