How to Find People to Push You Forward

Lisa Laporte
3 min readJan 18, 2018


Throughout your career, you’re going to find times you might not feel motivated to get done what you need to do. These times might last for a day or for months at a time. You might feel overwhelmed and be tempted to give up, especially if you’re running your own business or pursuing a difficult goal. It’s important to continue striving forward, no matter what. However, it might seem like too much for you to handle alone at times. This issue is why it’s incredibly important to surround yourself with people who will support and push you forward. Having positive and encouraging people in your life can help you achieve your goals and provides you with a support system for times you feel unmotivated. Finding these kinds of people makes it possible for you to accomplish dreams you never could on your own.

Decide what you want

Before you can properly find the people you need to push you forward, you must decide exactly what this goal looks like to you. Are they someone who is inquisitive and calls you out on lack of productivity when you won’t? Is it someone who stands by you no matter what? Is it a competitor? Figure out what you’re exactly looking for and how someone can fill this role.

Evaluate your current people

Once you know what you want this support to look like, evaluate the people you currently surround yourself with. Are any of them providing what you’re looking for? Do any of them bring unnecessary negativity? I’m not advising you drop all your friends and family, but if some of them are actively working against your goals and dreams, it’s time to reevaluate those toxic relationships.

Tap into your network

If you’ve decided you want to find someone new to fill a role in your support system, tap into your network. Is there someone you admire or who seems really talented that you’ve never seriously connected with before? Reach out to him or her and start a discussion. Talk to one another and begin cultivating a relationship.

Strengthen your relationships

It’s likely you already have a support system in place, you just need to finetune it. Begin strengthening the relationships you really value; spend more time with these people, communicate more openly. Talk to the ones you’re close to about what you need help with and, if they’re your true support system, they’ll be more than willing to help how they can.

Give what you get

Finally, it’s important to remember that those around you need support too and you cannot simply take their positivity without giving your support and attention back. When they need someone to support them, be there. Show you care. Creating a strong network around you means it’s a two-way street, so be there for them when you’re needed.



Lisa Laporte

Lisa Laporte is CEO, 49er Fan, Thrill Seeker, and Michael's Mom. Visit for and executive news & thoughts.