The Importance of Risk in Entrepreneurship

Lisa Laporte
3 min readJun 8, 2017


For entrepreneurs, one of the necessary skills is being able to take calculated risks. When you’re starting your own business, it’s going to be risky by default, because there’s no guarantee you’ll succeed. You need to take some risks if you want your business to thrive. While you can be irresponsible in your risk-taking and need to be careful, that doesn’t mean you should avoid any risky investments or ideas. You need to embrace risk as an entrepreneur, as long as you do so in a responsible and informed way. In order to achieve true success, you must rely on innovation and use new ideas to achieve your goals. There are many reasons why entrepreneurs should take risks, so read on to learn why you should be willing to risk your business in order to pursue something new.

You don’t know unless you try

When it comes to business, maybe your company is doing alright. You’re making ends meet and you’re an entrepreneur, so you feel good. However, there’s likely a chance that your business could be doing much better and as an entrepreneur, you can envision it. Without taking a risk, you’ll never know how great your company could be. While you shouldn’t risk everything you’ve worked for, if you take a calculated risk, you could push your company toward even more success.

It leads to true innovation

Companies would never develop new methods or products if they didn’t take risks. Taking risks allows true innovation to occur instead of simply doing what companies have always done and never building on those traditions or making new ones. Innovation is what pushes industries forward and entrepreneurs are often the ones at the head of the pack when it comes to innovative ideas.

You’ll always learn from it

You’ll learn something valuable when you take a risk, regardless of whether you succeed or fail. Even if you fail with your risk, learn from the experience. Identify where you went wrong and what could have been done differently, then use this knowledge the next time you take a calculated risk. If your risk succeeds, you’ll have your success and also understand what worked well and helped you reach a new goal for your business. Do not let failure get you down; it’s a natural part of being an entrepreneur and it just means you need to keep working hard.

Risks should always be calculated

An important piece of advice to remember is that while taking risks is definitely something you should do as an entrepreneur, it’s equally important to make sure those risks are calculated. Avoid taking unnecessary risks and not thinking through a plan or decision beforehand. Determine how much financial or personal risk you can invest in a new idea and avoid making any decisions that could ruin your company and entrepreneurial aspirations.



Lisa Laporte

Lisa Laporte is CEO, 49er Fan, Thrill Seeker, and Michael's Mom. Visit for and executive news & thoughts.