Lisa Laporte
Nov 16, 2020

What Does Community Look Like?

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

What does a community look like? Things have been tense in the so-called “land of the free”. We have just undergone an election that split the country in half. It has taken a huge toll on our nerves, no matter which side you voted for. Amidst a pandemic, we need hope, unity, and justice. It’s been an uphill climb and we aren’t done, but we are taking the steps. We are putting in the work. We need to put in more work.

Now is the time to take a good look around and see truly who our neighbors are, what they are experiencing, and is there something we can help them with? Whether that’s shopping for them, helping them get to a doctor’s appointment, or just saying hello and asking them about how they are doing. We don’t have to be a divided country. We can be a country who truly loves one another, who wants peace for ourselves and others, and will start really looking to solve problems within our society in ways that are inclusive and peaceful. Let’s work on making a country that is of love and not hate.

Lisa Laporte

Lisa Laporte is CEO, 49er Fan, Thrill Seeker, and Michael's Mom. Visit for and executive news & thoughts.