What if Nelson Mandela had never spoken his truth?

Why it’s crucial for you to release the things that keep you playing small.

Lisa Fabrega
5 min readDec 6, 2013

As you probably know by now, Nelson Mandela passed away yesterday.

I was on a plane to Hawaii for a writing retreat when I found out.
I felt completely heartbroken and a sense of profound loss.
Not just for me, but for the entire world and all of humanity.

Nelson Mandela was one of my greatest heroes.
He was an inspirational thought leader that I always looked up to since I
was a little girl growing up in a dictatorship in Panama, where speaking your
truth was a crime punishable by death.

His bravery and courage to speak his truth, even in the face of real danger,
was a beacon for me and a constant reminder of something that has now become one of the core aspects of my own mission and work:

the importance of living and expressing your truth.

Just the night before I learned about Mandela’s passing, I had taught a
class over the phone to over 200 people about how our fears are blocking our ability to step into our roles as powerful, abundant thought leaders & world-shifters.

In that class, I shared that growing up in a dictatorship, where freedom of speech was not allowed, I had always looked up to people like Mandela, Martin Luther King and Gandhi, as some of my greatest heroes.
And that often as a young adult and even today, I have wondered, where
are OUR generation’s thought leaders and world-shifters?

Why does it seem like they are harder to come by?
Why are almost all of them in their older years or dead?
Is it that we have become too comfortable?
Is it that we have become apathetic as a society?

No. I don’t think it’s any of these things.

What I shared on the call, is that I think the next generation’s Mandelas,
MLKs and Gandhis are here, walking among us and all around us.

So why aren’t they stepping up?
Why aren’t they visible?

Because they are held back by fear, limiting beliefs and stories in their
head that keep them from stepping fully into their next level of leadership.
The leadership they know they were meant to embody in this lifetime.

But fear of rejection, failure and even death, holds them back from living
and speaking their truth.

And I know if you’ve been led here, to read this today, it’s for this reason:
YOU have always known you were here to make a big impact in the world.
To be a thought leader in your own right.
But every time you set out to do it you self-sabotage, feel terrified, hold back
and come up with a million reasons why you can’t do what you were put here
on this earth to do.

If that’s you, then the following is very important for you to understand.
It’s a life or death matter I’m talking about here.

The very reason you are alive, is that you have a truth to speak.
A truth that is only your own and that will never be like anyone else’s.

Your purpose, is to live, express and lead with that truth.

But if you’re not doing that fully because you’re afraid and held back,
if you’re frustrated because you know you’re not where you could be in
your leadership, then you are literally walking around half-dead.

You are not fully alive.

And that is so not okay with me.
And it shouldn’t be okay with you.

Not for one second.
I want you to really hear me now.

You are here for a reason.
You know it.
You’ve heard that calling inside of you since you were a child.
You’ve known that you are here to make impact in the world.

It’s not a random thing that you have that feeling.

That’s the Universe, calling you to step into your leadership,
calling you to step into your role in the greater purpose of this planet,
so that you can assist with the evolution of humanity.

Imagine if Nelson Mandela had given in, crumbled and kept his mouth
shut because of fear and self-limiting beliefs. Imagine if Mandela had
self-sabotaged and not stepped into his leadership role. Stayed stuck
and held back for the rest of his life.

The world would be a very different place.

Every time you hold back, self-sabotage, and keep
yourself from stepping into the leadership you know
you were born to embody, you are affecting the fate
of the world, because you are removing a key player
that assists in its evolution—YOU.

So when are you going to stop that already?

When i found out about Mandela’s passing, I was sad, yes.
But I felt a fire get stoked inside of me.
Because I’ve always known that my purpose is to assist the world’s
next thought leaders and world-shifters, in releasing all the things that
are holding them back from stepping into their magnetic leadership.

It’s what I’ve been doing for the past several years in my business.
I’ve sacrificed a lot for this mission, I’ve risked everything, because I believe in it with every cell of my being.

You are not here to play small.

I invite you to finally put down the BS that has been holding you back from doing what you know you were born to do and lead with your truth.

Lisa Fabrega is a truth-speaker, writer and paradigm shifter. She helps women entrepreneurs become powerful leaders. She does this by taking them from fear and anxiety to confident creation and expression so they can make a big impact in the world with their unique gifts. With a profound devotion to your truth, pleasure & above all your desire, she guides you on a journey to explore the luscious terrain of your inner and outer world, release everything that strangles your power and create the life you desire so that you can make a massive impact on the planet. Her work is all about authenticity, confidence and clarity, . Divine femininity, at peak capacity.

Her latest program, the Fearless Feminine Leader™ Mastermind, is designed to help you become the authentic, magnetic thought leader that you are born to be. To learn more and to apply before January 31st visit: www.fearlessfeminineleader.com



Lisa Fabrega

I help women entrepreneurs overcome fear & anxiety and step into confident creation & expression so they can make a positive impact in the world.