What a ride! On working, studying and completing my Master’s thesis

Throughout the Master’s programme Content Strategy, one major milestone stood in front of me like a towering mountain — the completion of the Master’s thesis. This final step marks the (near) end of two years of hard work and has been both a daunting and exciting prospect.

Lisa Penz
2 min readJul 3, 2023

Before discussing my experiences during the Master’s thesis, I would like to give a brief overview of its content. The central aim of my Master’s thesis was to develop the foundations of a content strategy for an NGO in order to establish an open, personal, consistent and audience-centred approach to communication across all platforms. By understanding the needs and pain points of potential donors within the target audience, the organisation could tailor its communications to create relevant content and connect with future supporters.

Writing my Master’s thesis and researching communication strategies was both challenging and rewarding. It has taught me the importance of tailoring communication to target audiences, simplifying complex processes, standing out in a competitive environment and using social media platforms effectively.

Also on a more personal note: Writing my Master’s thesis while juggling a full-time job proved to be a remarkable challenge. Balancing the demands of work and academic commitments required a very precise time management. The countless late nights and weekends spent immersed in research and writing tested my patience and resilience. Finding the energy to delve into complex theories and conduct in-depth research after a long day at the office was no easy feat.

Despite the difficulties, juggling these two major responsibilities was also an invaluable experience. It taught me the importance of prioritising, setting realistic goals and maintaining a healthy balance between work and study.

Now, before I say goodbye to my Master’s programme, it’s time for the Master’s exam. I am grateful for the support and guidance I have received along the way.

Cheers to the end, and to new beginnings!

Read more about the latetst blog posts from my colleagues:

Finito. Bye bye. — Claudia Sägesser

Reflection on my writers journey — Freya Essler

Master Exam and Life after COS — Rebecca Trebus



Lisa Penz

Journalist at OÖNachrichten / Content Strategy student at FH Joanneum