Cybercriminals Stole My Personal Data. Is Yours Safe? Here’s One Way To Find Out

It’s a legitimate service that’s free, safe and simple to use

Lisa McAully
4 min readApr 22, 2022
A man with a young child, maybe his daughter. He looks like he’s listening. She has a finger on her tounge. The image represents learning something new about cybercrime and implies cybercrime is relevant to everyday people.
Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

I typed my email address into the website and took a sharp breath. The page changed from blue to maroon. It took me a few moments to digest the words in front of me.

Ha. That can’t be good.

Turns out my personal details are circulating on the dark web.

Yours could be too.

If you’ve ever wondered if hackers have stolen your passwords, credit card number, or other personal details, there’s a legitimate online service that can help.

The site is trustworthy, simple, and free. It’s available for anyone to use.

What they stole

There in black and white, the website report listed five times hackers stole my personal data.

In October 2021, they stole my email address, name, partial credit card data, password, and phone number from an online booking system called Flexbooker. My details and 3.7 million other Flexbooker accounts were found to be actively traded on a popular hacking forum.

The same report said cybercriminals had also stolen my personal data from LinkedIn in 2021…



Lisa McAully

Australian. Exploring digital life, creative projects and community.