
Lisa Ommert
2 min readFeb 28, 2023


Warning about this article:

This is NOT an article for skim reading, but it needs you to let it affect you and be hit by it. Open your heart wide. Center yourself. Take a deep breath and another. Let yourself sink into your inner self. Focus inward. Feel.

There you are. Among people. And yet alone. You think you have to rescue something. Your head is spinning around too many voices. You must. You should. So many messages, so much unfinished business. Restlessness rises in you, you realize that you are not truly in yourself anymore. Your muscles tense and your worries about the future rush in. You are going to have to do this and that. When you’ve done that, then you can finally relax, take time for yourself, take care of yourself. But first you must take care of the others, because there’s a constant fear of not being good enough. To be able to keep this up, you swallow down, ignore your Feelings. You numb yourself. You look for comfort in food, alcohol, complaining, bigging yourself up.



Stop. Breathe. Center yourself.



Breathe again. Notice. Observe what is. It is neutral. Voices are Voices. Thoughts are Thoughts. Emotions are Emotions. Physical pains or perceptions are nothing more than that.


Breathe. Listen.


You have different Bodies. A physical body. A mental one. An emotional one. An energetic body and an archetypal body.

In all these bodies you have impulses. To move. To share a Distinction. A Feeling that gives you information and energy to act. A shift in your presence. A call or a task of your Archetypal Lineage.

You can only perceive authentic Impulses in the Here and Now. When you ARE. When you are not overlaying them with inauthentic actions. Whilst these actions began as impulses, you don’t have to continue doing them doggedly when their time has long been up and their purpose fulfilled. You keep them going just to look good, to stand in a better position or not to have to feel that something new is already knocking.




An inauthentic action can also arise from an Emotion. And you act and turn in circles, ending up in a familiar dead end where nothing changes.




Center yourself.


Everything is neutral.


What is now?


And now?



And now?








Lisa Ommert

Possibility Management Coach & Trainer, Consciousness Smith, Being of Gaia |