Find Relief from Your Neuro Condition with Dr. V. S. Mehta Neurologist Paras Hospital Gurugram

Lisa oshiola
3 min readJan 13, 2023



Neurosurgery is the medical specialty involved with the prognosis and treatment of conditions, ailments, and accidents involving the nervous system and its support structures. Neurosurgery is a fairly specialized department of the medical subject that offers the surgical treatment of the problem of the nervous system. In neurosurgery, there is a higher risk of further nerve harm and infection which may additionally lead to paralysis.

Dr. V. S. Mehta India
 Best Neurologist Paras Hospital Gurgaon
 Dr. V. S. Mehta Neurologist Paras Hospital Gurugram
 Dr. V. S. Mehta Best Neurologist Gurugram
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Dr. V. S. Mehta

Types of Neuro Treatment

There are numerous types of neuro treatment or surgical procedures with a view to addressing your problem. Relying on your hassle, a neurosurgeon will propose the best one for you.

Neuro-oncology: this sort of neuro treatment makes a specialty of tumors of the brain and the spinal cord

Functional neurosurgery: This kind of surgical treatment is carried out to address issues like movement issues, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy.

Neurovascular surgical treatment: this special surgical treatment is targeted at the blood vessels which deliver the nervous system and their associated troubles.

Paediatric neurosurgery: this sort of neurosurgery addresses issues that arise within the developmental and childhood ranges.

Traumatology: this kind of surgical treatment usually treats accidents to the nervous system, which encompass head accidents, surgically.

Spinal surgical procedure: this form of surgical treatment is centered on the spinal cord.

Skull-base surgical treatment: neurosurgeons that specialized in treating anomaly surgeries present on the cranium base.

What makes Dr. V. S. Mehta different from other neurosurgeons in India?

The quality of care, the postoperative outcome, and the lower overall cost compared to neurology surgery best neurologist Paras Hospital Gurgaon continues to attract patients for their treatment. More than 9000 major neurosurgical procedures have been done by Dr. V. S. Mehta neurologist at Paras Hospital Gurugram with results comparable to or better than any other neurologist in the world. He is devoted to the evaluation and treatment of both pediatric and adult neurosurgical disorders. Best neurologist Paras Hospital Gurgaon utilizes a full range of neurosurgical technologies to provide the most up-to-date and effective treatment for the entire spectrum of neurological disease. Dr. V. S. Mehta neurologist at Paras Hospital Gurugram expertise that goes beyond that delivering the best medical care. Research is an integral part of his mission.

Expect the best from Dr. V. S. Mehta neurologist Paras Hospital Gurugram

Best neurologist Paras Hospital Gurgaon performs more than 5,000 operations each year involving a host of complex neurological disorders. He is committed to investigating, is a leader in developing the latest treatment options and clinical trials, and is dedicated to schooling the subsequent technology of neurosurgeons. This ensures that the latest technological advances, consisting of only imaging techniques, surgical strategies, and control techniques are available to every patient. Dr. V. S. Mehta neurologist at Paras Hospital Gurugram utilizes a team approach to provide the best medical care possible for his patients. In the practice of neurosurgery, there are numerous clinical conditions wherein he treats. His team approach enables him to direct each patient to the appropriate treatment plan specializing in their specific medical condition. The best neurologist Paras Hospital Gurgaon uses the combined patient care approach to provide his patients with greater efficiency and timeliness in accessing their medical care needs.

Benefits of choosing Spine and Neurosurgery Service India

Spine and Neurosurgery Service India has become the leading company for medical tourism in India. We assist our customers in the entirety from determining the right hospital to ensuring that every file is right and suitable for a hassle-free experience. Once you give us the opportunity to serve you, we take the entire burden from your shoulders and free your schedule for just treatment and traveling. This way you get quality treatment and additionally get to travel to the desired places. Our crew arranges trouble-free travel logistics, visa, transportation, surgery, hospitalization, and stay in India. We assist you properly from the minute you decide to come to India thru free scientific consultancy, medical recovery, personal assistance, tours, and travel.

You do not have to wait for meeting with Dr. V. S. Mehta Neurologist Paras Hospital Gurugram. We have Fast Track services for our patients. You can Email us Call Us: +91–9325887033

