Miss Spooks
2 min readJun 4, 2022


The urban legend of the Blind Maiden originated in Spain, therefore the Blind Maidens website is written in Spanish. She appears as the ghost of a woman who has no eyes, and her goal is to kill and mutilate anyone who dares to enter her website. It’s said that the website is normally offline, however, there is one way you’re able to access the website if you’re brave enough. It’s rumored that you must be completely alone, all lights in the house must be shut off, and you have to do it at midnight on a moonless night. Only then will you be given access to the deadly website. But it’s what happens next that’s truly terrifying. Once you’re on her website, many pictures of children will flash rapidly across your screen. But not just normal average children, no. These children look frightened, and have no eyes. Then, spanish text is shown, but what it translates to is this: “This website will take you to a whole new level of terror. A terror that will use all of your senses. You must be careful not to click on anything by accident. You’ll be faced with a real experience of terror. Click the accept button to actively engage in the experience.” Two buttons will appear underneath the text. “Accept,” and “Decline.” It’s heavily encouraged to NOT click the accept button. But if you choose to do so… Be prepared for the consequences. Once you click the accept button, your monitor will switch to a video of your home, and you’ll see the Blind Maiden walking towards your home. Then, as she gets closer, you’ll see her inside of your home, walking towards your room. Then, you’ll see an image of your back. She’s there, and she wants you to know it. You’ll feel her touch your shoulder in order to get her attention, and once you look at her, that’s when she strikes. She’ll kill you in some kind of way, rip your eyes out, and then take a photo of you to add to her website for the next viewer to see. I’m not sure what the name of the website is, and I’m not going to let my curiosity get the better of me and try to find it. But for any of you out there that are braver than me, be careful, and don’t click accept



Miss Spooks

True Crime & Horror Enthusiast! I write about all kinds of true crime cases, horror, mysteries, urban legends, and other spooky things.