The Disturbing Tale of The Mauerova Cult Family

Miss Spooks
8 min readOct 3, 2022



A Brief Mauerova Family Background

Klara Mauerova, 31, and her sister Katerina, 33, from the Czech Republic, both liked to talk about how they were destined to fulfill a mission in their lives for God. Klara had two sons, Ondrej, 8, and Jakub, 9, but pretty much raised them alone as the father of the boys left Klara due to her strange behavior and beliefs. She also had a degree in Pedagogy, the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or a theoretical concept, and Katerina worked in a youth center called Paprsek. In the beginning no one ever worried about Klara’s capability of being a good mother, and was seen as very motherly and always taking proper care of the boys. She would play with them, take them on vacations, and would bring them to summer camps, etc. But that all changed after a new child came into the picture, Annika. The two sisters also took part in a Cult named “The Grail Movement,” where members believed that they could get into heaven by simply doing good deeds, but they also believed that they were completely absolved to commit crimes.


When Evil Entered The Home

When Katerina came to visit Klara and her nephews, she brought along a 13 year old girl named Annika, a Norwegian orphan. Katerina was looking after her after she found out she was on the run from a sex trafficking gang in Norway. Anika explained how she was severely sexually and physically abused by the gang members, which gained a lot of sympathy and concern from Klara. Annika also suffered from many illnesses, such as leukemia, kidney failure, and she was slowly going blind and deaf. She spent a large chunk of her time inside hospitals. Klara was described as being very weak, gullible, and easily manipulated, and started to accept Annika into her family and caring for her as her own child. However, Katerina refused to let Klara take her to any of her hospital visits, and would only let her communicate with Annika through the phone, where most of the time Annika was actually unconscious.

During this time, Klara began getting strange texts and emails from a mysterious doctor who claimed that he knew how to perfectly help treat and care for Annika and asked to meet in person to discuss it. They scheduled a time to meet, around midnight, inside of a car. Since it was so late it was very dark out and it was hard to get a good look at this man’s face. Nonetheless, she felt comfortable since he had all of Annika’s medical records, and also showed her his Diplomatic passport. This was enough information for Klara to accept this man as Annika’s new and official doctor. Over a short period of time, the texts and emails she received from this doctor became more and more strange. He would tell her certain treatment plans that he believed would help Annika, such as telling Klara to rub her all over her body, especially the crotch region for hours, claiming that it would “make Annika very happy.”


Klara started to pay less attention to her sons in 2006, and were mainly looked after by their grandparents. This was also around the time where she started to think about adopting Annika, however, the doctor told Klara that it would be impossible for her to adopt her due to how mean her sons were to Annika. When Klara asked the doctor what she should do, he suggested that she should “cure the boy’s evil spirits” with very hard discipline, tough love, and physical punishments. She began to beat the boys for every little thing they did wrong, as if she was looking for literally any reason to hurt them. She would beat them with her bare hands, wooden spoons, belts, and would even go as far as locking them up in small rooms and leaving them there overnight.

In August of 2006 the doctor told Klara that these punishments weren’t working, and they needed to try something else: SHOCK THERAPY. She was instructed by the doctor to stop acting like their mother completely, and take them to a small cottage in Veverska Bityska, which was located around a lot of nature, not too close by to anyone else. At the cottage they met up with Katerina and a man who will later be revealed as Annika’s brother, and two other women, Jan and Hannah, who Klara knew from the summer camp she would take her sons to. This cottage is where all the torture would begin for these two innocent children.

The boys were kept locked up inside of dog cages, where they were quite literally treated like animals. The cages were so small, the boys couldn’t stand up, and could hardly move around at all. They were also forced to eat inside the cages using dog bowls, and forced to use the bathroom inside of them as well, leaving them to sit in their own filth. They were forbidden to talk to each other, to their mother, and to any other person who was there. Klara would dunk their heads in water for so long that the boys were afraid they were going to drown. While their heads were underwater, Katerina would hold their arms behind their backs so they couldn’t fight off their mother. They were burnt with cigarettes, scratched with forks, sexually abused, beaten, were forced to fight each other, and would often have their arms and legs tied up behind their backs. The others would also join in with the beatings and burnings, and would tie bags around their heads. They cut some flesh off of one of the boy’s buttocks and burned the area that had been cut with cigarettes. They then forced the boy to eat his own flesh. They enjoyed that so much they began to take the skin off other parts of their body so they could eat it as well, and make both boys eat their own skin. If the boys ever threw up, they were forced to eat that, too. They would also make sure their mouths were taped shut so they weren’t able to scream. Annika would make things worse by lying to the adults, telling them that the boys were still being mean to her because she knew they would get hurt if they continued to bully her. The group would also pretend to abuse Annika as well so the boys wouldn’t think it was only them. This abuse went on for 8 days before going back home.

In September of 2006, Klara decided to get the ball rolling on the adoption again, and it was a success. Klara decided to hand over her sons to Katerina so she could solely focus on taking care of Annika, as she felt like Annika still had so many problems and needed so much extra attention that she couldn’t care for all three children for a while. In January of 2007, the boys and Katerina all moved back in with Klara, and that’s when the abuse started up again. The boys were treated pretty much the exact same way they were back in the cottage, but this time they were kept in a cement cellar, where they had every moment being recorded. Meanwhile, Annika was in her own bedroom, brightly lit up, lots of color, lots of toys, and she was very happy. The boys remained locked up down there for around a year.


A man who lived nearby named Edward was setting up a CCTV baby monitor for his newborn son. These baby monitors can be glitchy sometimes where if someone who lives near you also has a baby monitor, it could possibly pick up their signal instead, and you’d see their video instead of your own. This is exactly what happened in September of 2006. When Edward went to check his baby monitor, instead of seeing his son’s crib, he saw a young boy who was completely naked, arms and legs tied up behind his back. He was very dirty, didn’t look healthy, and was eating off of the floor. There were even moments where a woman’s hand would show up, feeding the boy. Edward was super freaked out and called the police immediately. The police went door to door to find out where this footage was coming from, and they eventually found Klara and her sons.

Klara and Katerina were instantly arrested and the three children were put into a home called Cloak Neck. Shortly after they arrived, Annika ran away. Here is the twist of the story: Annika was never really Annika at all. She was actually a 33 year old woman named Barbora Skrlova. She had glandular disease that made her look a lot younger than she actually was, and could easily pass off as being a 13 year old girl. Barbora used this to her advantage and would often use the fact that she looked like a child to get her to avoid charges being filed when she broke the law. She ran away to Denmark and then made her way to Oslo, Norway, where she began to impersonate a 13 year old boy named Adam Fauna. He was then placed in an emergency youth center due to claims of being brutally abused by his father, but he ran away from there as well shortly after. Missing posters went up everywhere, and he was eventually found, and was busted. Police figured out their real identity and were sent back to Norway as Barbora.

Here is an even bigger twist: Everyone in that cottage was tied to a man named Josef, who was the leader of the cult they were in. Josef was also Barbora’s father, and Katerina knew who Annika really was the entire time, and purposely played Klara as she knew how easy it would be to manipulate her. Josef was the one who provided all of the documents shown to Klara inside the car that one night, and I believe Josef was also the man who was inside of the car as well. There was also never any doctor, and all of those texts and emails came from Katerina and Barbora’s devices. Martin Fauna and his wife were also in the same cult, and used their own son’s identity to smuggle Barbora into Denmark, and then into Norway, as she was already a fugitive at this time.

Barbora claimed that she did all of this to escape the reality of her own life. In court Barbora also tried to claim that she was beaten by the two sisters as well, but no one believed her. Klara was sentenced to nine years in prison, Katerina was sentenced to ten years, and Barbora was sentenced to five years. The others who were also at the cottage got between five and seven years, and everyone has since been paroled.



Miss Spooks

True Crime & Horror Enthusiast! I write about all kinds of true crime cases, horror, mysteries, urban legends, and other spooky things.