The Sick & Twisted Murder of Georgia Williams: His Fantasy Snuff Film

Miss Spooks
11 min readSep 5, 2022

A detective’s daughter would be lured to her death by a close trusted friend, not knowing about his sadistic and sinister plan to rape and murder her on camera. If he wasn’t caught, he definitely would’ve struck again, becoming a dangerous threat to society, and possibly even becoming a serial killer.

Georgia Williams

Georgia Williams was a 17 year old girl who was born on September 17th, 1995, in Telford, Shropshire, England. She had an older sister named Scarlett and they were raised by their parents Lynette and Steve Williams. Georgia was a very energetic, outgoing, loving, caring, charming and family oriented person. She loved helping people and really cared about others, and was just a very friendly person. Georgia was bullied in middle school, but once she started high school that completely changed. She endup making a lot of friends, was popular and very well-liked, and even became head girl of that high school. She started training as an air cadet while in high school and had dreams of becoming a RAF Paramedic. When she turned 17, she got a job at a petrol station in her town and made friends very easily with her co-workers. There was one man at the store who seemed very awkward and shy and seemed to be left out of everything, so since Georgia was so kind and caring, she be-friended him and became very close with him, and he started participating in the group activities with their co-workers. This man was 22 year old Jamie Reynolds.

Jamie began to develop feelings for Georgia and told her about how much he liked her and asked her out on dates a few times, stating that he really wanted to be her boyfriend. Georgia was very considerate of his feelings and turned him down in the most polite ways that she could, and just explained to him that she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend and didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Jamie was upset that she didn’t feel the same way as him, but seemed to have respected her wishes and moved past it and stayed good friends. Or at least that’s what it looked like, but deep down inside of him began an extremely unhealthy obsession and a dark and twisted fantasy.

When Jamie turned 23, he expressed to Georgia that he was really unhappy working at the petrol station and he wanted a new full-time job, something that he actually likes to do. Georgia sat down with Jamie and discussed with him about what his hobbies were and what kinds of things he was really passionate about, and he told her he was really into photography, so Georgia told him that she thinks he should try taking that up as a career instead. Jamie really liked the idea and asked her if she could help him create a professional portfolio and asked if she could be his first model, and like the amazing friend she was, she agreed to it. The two booked their photoshoot for Sunday, May 26th, 2013. The plan was for her and a bunch of other people to come over to his parents house and have a massive photoshoot. Georgia almost canceled at the last minute since her family was having a BBQ, and her grandparents were gonna be there and she really wanted to see them. However, she thought that since he only lived about five minutes away from her, she’d just go and get it done really quickly and then get back to her family. She got ready, did her hair and makeup, put on jeans and a leather jacket and took off. The last words her father would ever say to his daughter was that she looked beautiful, and that she looked like Sandy from Greece.

Georgia is Missing

Georgia left her home at 7:30 and her family was expecting her back relatively soon, but it was three hours later and she had still not returned home. At first her mom didn’t really think anything of it, and just assumed she was having a good time and lost track of time, so she sent her a text asking when the photo shoot would be over. She did end up getting a text back from Georgia, stating that the photo-shoot ended a while ago and that she’s just been hanging out with her friends, and she probably won’t be home until late. Her mom didn’t think anything suspicious of it, as her text ended in three kissy face emojis like they normally did, and Georgia wasn’t the type of person to get into trouble. Her parents went to bed and when they woke up the next morning, Georgia still wasn’t home. Her mother texted her again around 6:30 asking her where she’s been and when she’s gonna be home. She didn’t receive a response back until 7:30 where she was told that she had stayed over at a friend’s house and her phone battery was dying, so if she didn’t send another text after this, that would be why. What Georgia’s mother didn’t know was that she wasn’t getting these texts from her daughter… She was getting them from someone else pretending to be her.

It was May 27th and her parents knew she had a music festival to go to that day, so when she didn’t return home all day they just assumed she went straight to the festival from her friends house. They did at least expect her to be home by the next morning, as she had her first driving lesson that day, and they knew she was really excited about learning how to drive, and she wouldn’t want to miss her lesson. Her parents waited up for her very late on Monday evening, but she still wasn’t home. They called up relatives and her friends, but no one has seen or talked to her in days. When Georgia didn’t return home the next morning for her driving lesson, she was reported missing to the police. They tried to give as much information to the police as they could, but all they really knew was that she was attending a photo-shoot at Jamie Reynolds home and they had no idea where she was or who she was with after that. So the police did all they could do at the time, and looked into Jamie Reynolds, and what they found out about him was quite disturbing.

The Sickening Murder

In 2008, Jamie was caught by the police attempting to strangle a teenage girl. The police didn’t arrest him, and he wasn’t charged with anything. The police quite literally gave him a warning and sent him on his way. This poor teenage girl’s attacker was allowed to leave with no repercussions, which is absolutely outrageous. Once they found out about this, the police went to his house to question him as he was now a suspect. They knocked on the door but had no answer, and ended up kicking the door in. They looked around the house but there was no sign of anyone, so a manhunt for Jamie began. They checked the petrol station and none of their co-workers had seen or heard from them, and they both missed their shifts, which was extremely unusual. His parents were also contacted, but they were on vacation at the time, and gave the police the registration of the van that he drove. The police in Shropshire notified police all over the UK to be on the lookout for that van. Jamie was finally found in Glasgow, Scotland, 208 miles from where he lived. He literally left the country, which was a big red flag. The Glasgow police arrested him but couldn’t really ask him anything as this wasn’t their case. When they asked him where Georgia was, he told them he didn’t know, and he was transported back to Shropshire. As he was being transported back for questioning her family was told that the outcome wasn’t looking good, which of course devastated her entire family.

Now that they had the prime suspect in custody the police were able to do a proper search of his home, and they ended up finding a camera with an SD card inside. However, all of the files have been deleted. The camera was then taken back to the police station to recover the files, and that’s when they were finally able to confirm everything that happened. On that camera there were photos of Georgia before, during, and after her murder. The first couple of photos were normal photos of Georgia when she first started the photo-shoot. The photos then turned into pictures of her naked on the bed, clearly in distress, with a noose tied around her neck. In one picture she was seen grinning at the camera with the noose around her neck, and then right after that she was shown dead, hanging from the landing on the house. If that wasn’t bad enough, Jamie then took hundreds of photos of her in all types of positions, placing her in different areas of the house. He then repeatedly had sex with her corpse in different areas of the house, including on his parents bed, which he also took photos of. He also removed her jewelry and kept them as “trophies.”

The police continued to search his home and found 16,800 photos and 72 videos of extremely violent porn, such as rape videos, snuff films of people being tortured and murdered, everything that Jamie was performing himself. Jamie was quite literally trying to make his own snuff film. His parents came home early from vacation so they could speak with the police, and they told them that he had been watching these kinds of extremely violent pornorgaphy since he was 14 years old. It could be possible that he was watching it earlier than that, but that’s when they caught him. Since they couldn’t take away his laptop due to needing it for school, they contacted their internet provider and had them block his access to all of these websites. However, at 14, he called up the internet provider himself and paid for his own private Wi-Fi that his parents wouldn’t know about, so he could continue accessing these websites. Jamie was secretly accessing these videos and paying for it himself for almost ten years. When his parents first caught him watching these videos, they became concerned and notified the police and CPS, but they couldn’t really do anything about it since watching those kinds of videos wasn’t illegal.

During the rest of the search the police found notepads that had 40 different stories written by Jamie all about torturing, raping, and murdering women. He had also drawn pictures of women being strangled and hung, and even printed out pictures of women he knew personally and drew on those as well. There was also one story written about Georgia called, “Georgia Williams in Surprise.” This story was exactly what happened to Georgia, and police believe that this story was a plan all from the beginning. He wrote out this story so he could make it into a reality. He began writing it in January, and finished it just three weeks before the murder took place.

Finding The Body and Sentencing

Jamie was refusing to tell the police anything about where he put her body, and was acting like he was completely innocent, even though everyone knew that he was guilty. Since he refused to tell them where her body was, they traced his steps from that Monday morning, the day after he killed her. They started at the petrol station, and he was caught on CCTV getting gas, and at that time Georgia’s body was in the back of that van. After he got his gas he drove 60 miles away to go to the movies, left her body in the van in the parking lot, and went inside to watch a movie. Like I said earlier, he was always asking her to go on dates and wanting to take her to the movies and such, and I guess this was his way of finally getting his way and taking her to the movies. They lost track of him after he left the movies, and a public statement was put out for any to come forward if they noticed that van anywhere, especially between Scotland and Wrexham. Thankfully this worked and people came forward and told the police that they saw a man and that van on a mountain pass located in North Wales. The area he was in was loaded with woods and it was extremely muddy, and the reason people remembered his is due to his van getting stuck, and they actually went over to him to help him get his van out of the mud. Police ended up finding Georgia’s naked body in the woods, and it was recovered and transported back to Shropshire.

The whole time Jamie was maintaining his innocence and insisting he had nothing to do with her murder. However, on the very first day of the trial, something changed his mind and he decided to stand up and plead guilty to everything he was being charged for. The case was closed and the judge called Jamie a “sexual deviant” and stated that he believed he had the potential to become a dangerous serial killer, therefor sentencing him to a whole life term in December of 2013, which means that he will NEVER be allowed to leave prison. He was the 46th person to land themselves a whole life-term, and the youngest in history. The judge, Mr. Justice Wilkie said:

“Georgia would not have died instantly but would have suffered horribly both mentally and physically, knowing she had been betrayed by someone whom she had trusted and into whose power she had given himself. Killing Georgia was an expression of a long-standing, recurrent, preoccupation with violent, sadistic pornography. You enjoyed the spectacle of her final, ghastly minutes as she struggled for life knowing that she was facing death.”

Jamie Reynolds sat there with his head down as Georgia’s parents and sister listened to all the details on how she was lured to her death and what had happened to her while in his possession.

In 2014 Jamie Reynolds put in an appeal against his whole life-sentence and lost. His lawyer stated that his guilty plea should’ve been given more weight during his sentencing, and The Court of Appeal ruled that there was “no basis on which it can properly be argued that a whole-life order was not required.” However, in 2015 a serious case review was critical of police authorities, social services staff and mental health workers over how they handled Jamie Reynolds in the years before the murder. The review claimed that these agencies failed to work together when notified of his attempts to strangle another teenage girl to death in 2008, giving him a warning and turning their backs on him completely. One mental health nurse that visited him after this happened stated that he was a “significant risk” to others after his parents showed her pictures that he drew of school girls with nooses drawn around their necks. Meanwhile, nothing was done about it. The serious case review concluded that the approach to the case had been “confusing and uncoordinated.”

Georgia’s parents stated that they cried after reading about the serious case review and said:

“Having lost Georgia to pure evil, we cried when we read this report and the failings of all agencies involved, because it was so obvious that Reynolds was, if not one already, a murderer in the making. Georgia’s death could have been prevented.”

Jamie Reynolds still remains in prison today.



Miss Spooks

True Crime & Horror Enthusiast! I write about all kinds of true crime cases, horror, mysteries, urban legends, and other spooky things.