Closing Thoughts Included in An Essay

Lisa Rose
3 min readJun 13, 2016


Many believe that writing an impressive and gripping introduction is the key to make a good impression on the readers of an academic paper. But writing an equally effective conclusion is equally important as this is your last to make a lasting impression on the minds of the readers about your theory or point of view on the matter. Hence, the point you make at the end of an essay or a research paper will make that lasting impression on the minds of those who read the paper and will remain with them after they have read it.

The best way to conclude your essay is to give a proper closure or a sense of completeness to the topic as well as a sense of possibility almost like a cinematic tale but within the constraints of academia. The best way to close off an essay is to talk about its implications and its broader perspective so it should offer a proper closure without closing off all discussions.

This sense of closure can be established in one of the following ways:

Make the last paragraph of your conclusion linked to the first, by perhaps reiterating an iconic thought or sentence that you mentioned in the first paragraph

Create an effect of understated drama by constructing a sentence with words made of a single syllable only

Form a sentence that is compound or parallel in construction, because a well structured and comprehensible sentence helps to restore some much needed balance or order in the minds of the readers after a serious discussion on a complex topic

To add a sense of closure without closing off all possibilities of discussions or implications about the topic can be done in the following ways:

Reiterate a phrase or a quotation from a reference or from a primary or secondary source that allows further emphasis on the argument or theory you are holding, or it may even help to visualize that very idea in a different perspective.

Conclude you essay by setting the level of discussion into a different yet broader viewpoint. For instance a scandalous event in a reputable company that happened back in the 80s or the 90s can be linked with a comparable event that has happened recently in another company and is gathering global attention and discussion.

You can also choose to conclude by redefining a term that captures the essence of your essay or research paper or may be dig deeper and explain the implications of the arguments or opinions you discussed in the paper.

It is also recommended to avoid using words like ‘in conclusion’ or ‘summing up the discussion’. While this might be useful for verbal discussions as the audience cannot always estimate the length of your speech, but in a paper where the compression of the pages and the outline give away tell tale signs of when the paper is going to end, belaboring the obvious only irritates the readers.

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