Why I’m Launching an Arts Festival Around the UN Summit of the Future and Climate Week NYC

Lisa Russell
3 min readAug 20, 2024


Learn more at www.artsforthefuturefest.com

As an Asian American Emmy-winning filmmaker, storyteller, and arts curator, working primarily in the UN space, my creative journey has been anything but linear. Over the past 20 years, I’ve had the privilege to work alongside artists from diverse backgrounds, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of art in shaping narratives, shifting mindsets, and ultimately driving meaningful change.

In May of this year, during the UN Civil Society Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, I saw an opportunity to turn a long-held belief into action. The call for conveners for ImPACT Coalitions offered a chance to showcase what artist-led movements could look like within UN processes. I saw it as the perfect moment to bring the voices of artists directly into the heart of global policy discussions. From this initiative, the ImPACT Coalition on Arts and Culture was born — a collective dedicated to elevating the role of arts and cultural expressions in global dialogues on sustainability and justice.

Our mandate was clear: to develop a work plan that would outline the various activities we envisioned, activities that could demonstrate the power of the arts in shaping a more equitable world. What began as a blueprint with hundreds of global artists and allies quickly evolved into something much bigger — the Arts for the Future Festival.

The Personal Genesis

The idea for this festival didn’t emerge overnight. It was born out of years of frustration, inspiration, and a deep-seated belief that artists have an unparalleled ability to challenge, provoke, and inspire. During the pandemic, like many other creatives, I found myself at a crossroads. Stuck in East Africa, my work as a UN-contracted filmmaker and curator came to a halt, and I began to question the sustainability of a career that relied so heavily on international travel and in-person events.

But, in those moments of uncertainty, I also saw the power of resilience. I witnessed artists adapting, finding new ways to express themselves, and connecting with audiences virtually. It became clear to me that the arts could not only survive in a digital space but thrive, reaching broader and more diverse audiences than ever before. This realization solidified my conviction that artists need to be central to global conversations about our shared future — conversations that often take place in spaces where their voices are seldom heard.

Why the UN Summit of the Future?

The UN Summit of the Future is a pivotal moment for global leaders to envision and commit to a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. Yet, these conversations can sometimes feel distant from the everyday lives of people, especially those most affected by the issues at hand. By organizing the Arts for the Future Festival around this Summit, I aim to bridge that gap.

Artists have a unique capacity to humanize complex issues, to turn abstract concepts into relatable narratives, and to provoke the kind of emotional and intellectual engagement that can lead to real change. Although we won’t be gathering in New York City to watch films or experience poetry performances together, the camaraderie among international artists committed to celebrating the power of arts and storytelling for a better world is unparalleled. The festival will bring together diverse artists — visual artists, filmmakers, musicians, poets, and more — from around the world to showcase their work, share their stories, and engage in discussions that matter.

A Call to Action

The Arts for the Future Festival is more than just an event; it’s a movement. It’s a call to action for all of us to recognize the power of the arts in driving sustainable development. It’s about amplifying the voices of those who are too often silenced or sidelined in global discussions. And, most importantly, it’s about ensuring that the future we are all working towards is one that reflects the diversity, creativity, and resilience of humanity.

I invite you to join us — whether as an artist, an advocate, or simply someone who believes in the power of art to change the world. Let’s make sure that when the history of this moment is written, it includes the voices of artists who dared to dream of a better future and took action to make it a reality.

Sign up at www.artsforthefuturefest.com.



Lisa Russell

Emmy-award winning filmmaker, curator and Founder of Create2030 with a passion for promoting artist representation in global policymaking spaces