Four Traits Of Extremely Lazy People

Lisa Tadiwa
4 min readSep 5, 2020


#1 You have an excuse for everything

No one likes to be told that they are lazy — not even lazy people. However, just because you detest the title does not make you any less of a lazy person. The fact is many of us go through life unaware that we are developing lazy habits until they become traits that we are most recognized for.

There are a lot of things that you do on a daily that will either set you on the right path to completing your goals, executing those plans of yours that you have been meaning to for a while — or those things will set you on the wrong path in which none of your dreams are realized. And sometimes it all boils down to one thing, laziness.

Here are the four most common traits of extremely lazy people.

1. You Have an Excuse for Everything.

Lazy people always have a reason for why they can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t do something. They make up excuses to defend their lack of action to avoid or neglect responsibilities.

In most cases, the excuses are made to shift the blame from the real problem within the person to an external condition such as ‘oh the printer broke down so I couldn’t meet the assignment deadline’

The most common reasons why lazy people make excuses is because of:

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of change
  • Fear of challenging situations
  • Fear of responsibility
  • Lack of confidence
  • Lack of commitment

The problem with living a life of excuses is that it prevents you from reaching your full potential because you block yourself from new opportunities and skills that could put you on the path to new ventures. On top of that, you build a reputation for unreliability and lose the trust of those around you.

2. Spending Too Time on Social Media Platforms

This is a typical one. Lazy people don’t just spend time on social media platforms, they live, breath and eat social media platforms. While social media can be a great place to find inspiration, get new ideas, do some marketing and networking, it can also be the difference between a productive day and spending the whole day on the couch for a lazy person.

If social media takes up a significant part of your day without adding anything constructive into your life, then you are on the path to building an extremely lazy trait.

If any notification sound has you constantly checking your phone, you feel anxious when you can’t access your social media or you know for a fact that you use your phone as a means of procrastination this means that you are spending too much time on social media and not in the productive kind of way.

3. Not Going the Extra Mile

I know that I have the potential to exceed beyond average at my goals, but I almost always settle for an ok achievement. You might wonder why I choose to settle. I don’t like the work that comes with going the extra mile, by the time I have reached the ok bar, I want to just throw in the towel and have myself a Netflix and chill day.

Lazy people are usually aware of the potential they possess, but they shy away from utilizing it because of the hours, effort, and sacrifices that go into going the extra mile. However, the regret that comes with knowing that you could have done better is also a bitter pill to swallow.

The truth is, success even at simple tasks requires your fullest potential. if you are capable of doing something why not just give it your all. Because when you do this you cultivate a desirable habit of always bringing your best, undivided fullest energy to every project you commit yourself to.

4. You Are the Master of Procrastination

Lazy people often tell themselves that they leave things up to the last minute because they perform better under pressure. They gamble with time by leaving commitments only to fulfill them at the last moment.

Procrastination reflects a person’s struggle to perform tasks as a result of the negative emotions that come with that task. You will often hear procrastinators saying that they don’t feel like doing it now even though they express later on that they should have done their work when there was still time.

One of the biggest factors contributing to procrastination when it comes to an extremely lazy person is the notion that you have to feel inspired or motivated to work on a task at a particular moment. You have to realize that it takes more than just motivation to get things done, it takes dedication, self-discipline, and personal responsibility.

You might find yourself exhibiting some of these traits, but that doesn’t mean that life as you know it is over. sometimes it is an indication of an underlying fear.

Maybe you are afraid of crowds, so you spend your whole day on your couch binge-watching tv shows. Or you are afraid of failing so you never pitch the many ideas that are coursing through your brain. Or you are afraid that you won’t lose weight try as you might so you keep making excuses for why you haven’t yet started working out like you said you would.

that fear can be mistranslated by the people around you for extreme laziness.

Make a pact with yourself, that despite the outcome you are going to choose to do that thing that you have been meaning to do. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, just do it.



Lisa Tadiwa

Aspiring writer + University student + Learning how to adult one step at a time + Writer in Curious | The Innovation| Data Driven Investor|