#DigitalTransformation, #AI, #Blockchain, #Agile… do you feel lost?

Lisa Valencien
5 min readJun 27, 2017


Several and diverse viewpoints were gathered at the USI conference in June in Paris to explore the transformation of our world.

If one thing is holding true is that, future is anything but certain…

It all starts with Kevin Kelly, known as a digital visionary, he is among other things the founding executive editor of Wired magazine. In his keynote, he explains ‘the inevitable’ transformation of our society shaped by the outbreak of artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Indeed, it is hard to predict the technologies we will use in 20 years. Cédric Villani, Fields Medalist in 2010, directeur of the ‘Institut Henri Poincaré’ and recently elected as a French deputy highlights the similarity between mathematics and cutting-edge technologies; the power of science. Everyone fully accepts the innovation and forget about the validation of the hypothesis. In this context, Aurélie Jean, an expert in coding, asserts that it is impossible for leading managers to define a strategic vision for the 5 or 10 years to come.

Adding to this fast-paced and ever-changing environment, Dan Ariely, a psychology and behavioral economics professor at Duke University reminds us that the human being is irrational. Even though people have all the information needed to make the best decision and they perfectly know the right thing to do, they do not change their behavior at all…

Henrik Kniberg, an Agile & Lean coach at Crisp in Stockholm illustrates this irrationality with this very famous drawing showing that people never do what their client want but instead they do what they think is better.

However, Dr. Mark Esposito a socio-economic strategist, founder in 2011 of the The Lab-Center for Competitiveness in France and currently a professor at Harvard University Extension School and at Grenoble Business School, attests that at least 5 ‘mega trends’ will continue to progress in the future. He has created a ‘DRIVE’ framework to prove it. It includes Demographics & Social changes, Resources, Inequalities, Volatility scale and complexity, Enterprising dynamics. For instance, the growing ageing population and the change in job because of automation are common knowledge.

The good news is there exist lots of methods to empower you to act on your future, right now!

  1. Behind new technologies there are human

Aurélie Jean reminds us that technologies are first and foremost led by human. Thus, just act like her and be a geek! It means “never panic, analyze, think and rationalize”. It’s the same for artificial intelligence Kevin Kelly precises, “we make it how we want it to be”. In every situation, Dr. Mark Esposito advices to decompose it: first, look at what the macro forces are and second, the microforces and think how you can empower yourself by knowing these trends. Eddie Obeng, the founder of an online business school that is teaching executives how to keep up with our fast changing environment, ironizes “come on guys, you have all these technologies and you still go to meetings?! That’s crazy!”

Above all, Virginie Guyot the first woman that has lead the French Air Force (La Patrouille de France) shows that what help you most is your soft skills. It will help you to communicate and learn faster. This is why you should nurture a feedback culture.

2. Test & Learn

Dr. Mark Esposito states that “we need to teach our kids that testing is the reality”. Cédric Villani also adds that good ideas are rare so you better accept that every day is a failure. However, you can stimulate the creation with the help of 8 ingredients: the literature, the motivation, a favorable environment, the exchanges, the constraints, the work and illumination, perseverance and luck. As well, Benoît Lafontaine, a specialist of the Blockchain technology, says it is better to test a new technology and then make regulations contrary to what the French state often do because it is a rule of law. Aurélie Jean suggests to everyone to learn to code because it can help us to be able to adapt to the future.

3. Diversity is a strength

Kevin Kelly says that there are several forms of intelligences; animals, human and machines. AI will create new opportunities for people and a different way of thinking. As well, Cédric Villani recognizes that the diversity of profiles that were being elected for the French assembly is quite a good thing! It may bring creativity to a traditional political institution.

4. Give work

Leila Janah is a traveler and a social entrepreneur. She knows poverty but also she is interested in new technologies. To her, the internet and social media offer lots of opportunities to end poverty because it enables people to work and to do business. She is profoundly convinced that by giving work we can end poverty. Henrik Kniberg also believes that people need to be empowered at work. He says that it is useless to make people busy instead it is better to tell people to use their judgement and lead their work.

Eventually, to those who are scared about the future, Ingrid Betancourt addresses some advice. She experienced true fear at the age of 41… What really helped her to overcome her fear was the solidarity and the fraternity with the others.

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Lisa Valencien

Ready and motivated to exploit the strengths of digital for the development of a brand or an ambitious project! | Tech ambassador | @lisavalencien