Lisa Van Ahn
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


When the Body Knows Best

AKA: Listen to Your Body, Please!

The past month has been an enlightening chapter in my life. I’ve consciously tuned into my thoughts, words, and feelings about my body and immersed myself in the narratives of the women around me.

In this introspective journey, I’ve unearthed a precious realization.

Above all, the resounding call is to love — to embrace our bodies, relish the experience of residing within them, and cherish every facet. Our bodies are gifts; when we regard them with disdain, it’s akin to rejecting a heartfelt present. Picture pouring your heart and soul into finding the perfect gift for someone, only for them to say, “What on earth is this? I don’t want this!”

Your creator meticulously crafted each nook, cranny, feature, wrinkle, and dimple with love for you. We are unique and beautiful, designed with care, and it’s time to acknowledge and receive that love.

Women are being summoned to love, starting with ourselves. It involves adoring, adorning, and appreciating the beauty that is our body. Let’s relinquish criticism, shed comparisons, and shift from disregard to self-respect and honor.

Pose this question to yourself: “Body, what do you need from me to be full, alive, and in love?”

Then wait patiently and listen, for she will answer. She’ll guide you on:

  1. what to eat
  2. how to move
  3. when to rest
  4. & what is best for her

This will only work when the disconnection ceases. We no longer dwell solely in the mind and ego, where denial and deprivation form the foundation of our thoughts. No, we drop into the HEART, listen carefully, and follow the knowing of our bodies.

Offer your body what she needs — primarily and above all, love. How will you love your body today? Tomorrow? You'll blossom as you respond and attune to her needs, finding beauty every time you gaze into the mirror.

Refrain from judgment; perceive through the eyes of your creator. Be generous and gentle with her, allowing her to unfurl into her tremendous potential.

I love this mantra. Please use it, too, if it resonates with you. Today, I choose to see my body through the eyes of love, embracing the fullness of that love.

This is what is meant to be. With all my heart, I believe you can find your way home by diving into yourself and learning to love through to the other side. If you want support, reach out. I’m happy to lend an ear and share a pep talk.

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Want more? 1. Find my book here. 17 — Poems for a Pandemic & Essays for Quarantine 2. Subscribe to my Free Substack here. 3. Listen to my podcast here.

With deep gratitude for your time and attention. I love you. You’re worthy. You matter. ♥️



Lisa Van Ahn

I share transformative writing—poetry, essays, reflections—for authentic living. Follow for heartfelt storytelling. You're worthy of great things & you matter.