Lisette Paulson — How Online Avenues Are Helping Artist Managers in Managing Their Own as Well as Clients’ Careers Effectively

Lisette Paulson
3 min readFeb 16, 2023

It is a commonly accepted fact that irrespective of what kind of a professional field you are in, you need to make use of the internet in order to be able to achieve success. There are a lot of things that can get simplified and bettered when you choose to do them online, which is why a lot of people choose to opt for artist managers that are comfortable with the use of the internet and the different tools that it offers to you. According to experts like Lisette Paulson — The Role of Social Media in The Career of an Artist Manager, is a highly important one and you need to make sure that as an artist manager you give it enough importance.

With the effective use of the internet, artist managers are able to manage not only the careers of their clients seamlessly, but also their own careers with ease. There are a lot of things that work in the favor of the professionals, when they decide to use the internet as a tool for success. Here is how that can be made possible by the artist managers:


The ease of communication and the timeliness of the communication channels on the internet is something that can be leveraged in the betterment of a career by the artist manager. They can make sure to never miss an important communication and send messages instantly when an agenda is urgent and important.

Streamlining of Work:

Things like appointments, scheduling and more can be done with efficiency and precision to make sure that the artist manager as well as the artist is able to get their calendars in sync. A harmonious working relationship is important in the life of an artist manager and their clients and this is something that helps in ensuring it.

Marketing and Advertisements:

The marketing and advertisement of the careers of the manager and their artists is an important element for success in business. According to Lisette Paulson — What You Need to Check for in A Prospective Artist Manager Before You hire One, one of the most important skills in a manager is to know how to use the internet for marketing and advertising. The use of the tools can help ensure a successful career for both the manager and the artist.

Networking and Creating Contacts:

An important way in which the internet helps an artist and an artist manager is by helping them create their network of people. Working on collaborations and finding new clients becomes easier when the internet is used effectively for the purpose of marketing.

It is therefore, safe to say that in the present times, artist managers need to make sure that they make the most of the tools and resources that are present on the internet. The use of the right tools will help in making sure that you are able to bring your career to the speed that you want to see it, along with that of your clients as well.



Lisette Paulson

Lisette Paulson is a successful label and entertainment relations, artist management and marketing executive with outstanding track record.