Getting Liskscan ready for Lisk Interoperability


The Liskscan explorer has been running for six months now. This provided a good moment to reflect on the achievements and take a look at the areas of improvement. With the main metric of success, the daily number of visitors, sitting around 1K we feel very satisfied with the current state of the project. Our current focus is to improve the user experience and provide an easy entry point for sidechains.

Introducing Liskscan 2.0

With Lisk Interoperability we will see the rise of a network of connected blockchain projects. Our main focus is preparing Liskscan to accommodate all sidechains with a personalised explorer, and so become thé go to place for all connected Lisk blockchain projects. In addition, we focus on the useability of Liskscan on mobile devices. An area where we can make lots of improvements. In this blog post we will walk you through the main improvements and insights in how we will make Liskscan ready for Lisk interoperability.

Floating Bottom Menu

To make navigation on mobile easier and more intuitive we introduced a floating bottom menu. The quick links in the floating bottom menu are chosen based on the most visited pages.

Floating Bottom Menu on mobile

Responsive Filter Options

All the filter options through Liskscan are changed into a select component to use the space more efficiently and enrich the user experience.

Mobile Focused Account Page

After evaluating feedback from the Lisk community several changes have been made to the account page to provide the most important data in one view. Now you will get a direct overview of your funds when entering an account page. Tabs are added on mobile to be able to navigate more easily through all account data (Account info, delegate info, voting info, transactions).

Overall Responsiveness

Every single page has been checked and improved for responsiveness and additional fixes. The result is a much more mobile friendly Liskscan. As we are aware that even more can be done, we would like to ask the Lisk community to play around with the new UX and share valuable feedback with us.

Looking forward we will keep evolving the mobile user experience for Liskscan. One of the next topics are improved responsive tables. We hope you will enjoy this update and invite you to share all your findings, bugs and feature requests with us.

Lisk Interoperability and Liskscan

As we are getting closer and closer to Lisk Interoperability one of our main focuses is getting Liskscan ready for it, to be sure it will become thé go to place for all connected Lisk blockchain projects. We expect lots of new projects popping up within the Lisk ecosystem and they all need to run an explorer to show relevant data to the world. Liskscan will provide an agnostic solution to be able to run a project specific explorer with the Liskscan features.

This means the user will be able to navigate through all blockchain projects and the relevant data through one gateway.

Introducing Liskscan themes

A blockchain project will be able to run a stand alone explorer. Therefore we introduce Liskscan themes. With this functionality a blockchain project can easily add their custom colors to the explorer to style it with their personal branding.

This feature has already been implemented so you can already choose between several different themes; Light, Daylight, Dark, Night, Dim and Liskscan dark. On top of that you will have the freedom to choose your preferable custom primary color which will affect the whole explorer.

Connecting With Custom Lisk Networks

In the current version of Liskscan we provide the option to switch between different networks. Right now the options are Lisk mainnet, Lisk testnet, Lisk betanet and custom. In the future new options will appear once new blockchain projects are up and running.

The custom option makes it possible to navigate your own blockchain during the development phase. For that you will only need to run a custom Lisk Service node and add the link to Liskscan. Later on it will be possible to add your blockchain project the same way.

Some more general improvements

Besides our 2 main focuses, Liskscan mobile and Liskscan interoperability we have added some more general improvements to Liskscan.

Liskscan SEO

To make sure to get a better rank on all search engines we have made several improvements, adding meta tags, etc. Even searching for a delegate name should now show up in the search engine and provide you with the specific delegate account page.

Sharing Links Data

We are very honored to see the community using Liskscan this much. Especially whilst sharing links to transactions and accounts. Therefore we improved the readability of the link previews. As an example, when you share a Lisk account on discord you will now see the Delegate name, address and total balance in the link preview. Also, the preview images on some specific pages have been removed after feedback from community members.

Multiple Currencies & Formatting Support

The currency and formatting support makes it possible to navigate the Lisk blockchain in your own preferable currency with a fully customised formatting (e.g. the amount of decimals and add or remove a sign/symbol). Now our worldwide community can experience a taylormade explorer.

Navigate the Lisk blockchain with your keys

During our last update we added multiple hotkeys to the Liskscan explorer. Now you can navigate the Lisk blockchain even faster and more efficiently. Checkout all the possibilities in the settings menu.

Lisk News

In previous versions of Liskscan we had a newsbar to show the latest news. This has been updated with a carousel and embedded youtube player in order to be able to stay on top of the most relevant Lisk related news announcements.

Liskscan Team

We hope you will enjoy this update and invite you to share all your findings, bugs and feature requests with us.

We would like to thank the Lisk community for the feedback we got. Special thanks goes to Przemer, Blainemono, Anonimowy891 and Punkrock for testing Liskscan so thoroughly!



Liskscan - Lisk Blockchain Explorer

The complete agnostic Lisk blockchain explorer. Connect your custom sidechain and start exploring. Explore your own blockchain application with Liskscan now