Listen New User Guide-Register and log in

3 min readSep 20, 2022


Step 1 DownloadApp

Go to the official Home page,Pick a channel to download,Android users are advised to select the android icon to download;iOS users need to download Testflight before installing Listen .

Step 2 Register to log in

New user registration

Step 1 Register for an account
Log in to your account through the app homepage,Choose to register with your phone number or email address as a login account,If the phone number registration area is not open, please select Emali (email) registration.

Step 2 After successful registration, log in to create a wallet account.

After successful registration, log in to the App, select Personal Center, and click “Create now” to create a personal wallet.

Note: When creating a wallet, remember to save the mnemonic backup, the mnemonic is the highest permission of the wallet, once lost, no one can get it back.

Attention: After the new user creates a wallet, click “Airdrop” in the upper right corner to receive the new user base airdrop LT.

Existing user logs in

Step 1 Log in to your account
Log in through the previously registered phone number or email account, if you forget the login password, you can click “Forgot your password” below the password box to reset the login password.

Step 2 Restore the bound wallet
After logging in to the personal center, select Restore Wallet, click “Recovery now” to copy or enter the wallet mnemonic to restore the binding.

Note: If you enter a mnemonic manually, you must leave a space in the middle of each mnemonic.

New and old users can complete the above basic operations to fully use Listen.




Listen is a voice social software based on data decentralized storage technology and blockchain technology.