PinnedBeing Stoic in a World So HollowIt is a challenge to accept things as they are when we would make all sorts of changes. But stoicism teaches us the true value of life as…1d ago41d ago4
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6 Brain Superpowers: Top Mind Hacks For AgilityThis is what I implemented in my daily routine to have a sharper and more focused mind.4h ago14h ago1
Tackling the Hunger Crisis in Any FormIf you’re lucky enough to have food in front of you, enjoy it, savor it, and sometimes give some of what you have to others.10h ago210h ago2
Published inLong. Sweet. Valuable.How to Ask for a Pay Raise that Benefits YouThe shame of claiming your right should no longer be punished, it should be openly confessed to your superior.4d ago14d ago1
Lack of Empathy Destroys Our SelfEmpathy starts with YOU. If you don’t understand and manage your emotions, it will be difficult to understand others.4d ago34d ago3
Reclaim Your Body: Challenging Objectification & Self-WorthWomen should not be marginalized for indecent exposure but (re)educated to regain their self-confidence and dignity.5d ago25d ago2