‘Rigidbody.AddForce’ VS ‘transform.Translate’. Will the former reduce ‘jitters’ in Player bounds?

Michael Little
Mar 27, 2024

Here’s my movement method for the Player so far.

This has worked absolutely great against the ‘jitters’ so far.

However, I plan to have areas where the Player traverses around curved corners and downward before moving horizontally again. Am I going to base a bunch of Mathf.Clamp parameters on these different areas of the map especially with certain areas where cylindrical colliders are needed? Pretty taxing especially considering Mathf.Clamp gets checked every time the Player moves anyway. Let’s take a look at an explanation of the AddForce method.

There’s also a more ‘physically accurate’ way to move Player with the Rigidbody component.


It works so now I’ll add some invisible colliders to test it out.

It absolutely works!

The graphical assets you see likely won’t be in my game, and there are many more things to cover.



Michael Little

I'm currently pursuing my passion for game development. This is where I document education pertaining to that and software engineering. No personal Dev diaries.