Speak Your Truth: Your Voice Matters More Than You Think.

3 min readOct 18, 2023


Little Letters of Happiness.

Photo by Hussein Abdullah on Unsplash

To the person who needs to read this today,

Have you ever had a moment when you thought, “Does anyone even care about what I am saying?” Or, have you been over-talked in a conversation, so you silently slink away in the embarrassment of it?

Well, today, in this letter, I want to address ‘Your voice.’


Well, because it is a filled treasure chest of magic bursting at its seams, waiting to be unleashed.

“Your voice

is not a distant echo;

it is a beautiful song

waiting to be heard.”

Your voice is unique, like your fingerprint; it is completely unique to you. It is used to express the combination of your personal experiences, your passions, and the path you have navigated in the beautiful messiness of life. It is not a matter of being the loudest person in the room; it is about being the most true to yourself.

When you think about it, your voice is the ticket that connects you with others, strangers and friends. It is a bridge built on the foundations of empathy and understanding. By sharing your experiences with others, you might be able to help someone who thought they were alone in their day-to-day struggles. Your voice and words can empower, uplift, and support.

“It is not the volume

but the authenticity,

the honesty,

and the courage in your voice

that truly resonates.”

Have you ever been caught up in a moment, a moment when a compelling speech fights for change? And it all begins with someone speaking up, using their voice and their carefully curated words to express their views and opinions about important topics like civil rights, gender equality, and climate action — all of these people refuse to be silenced. That is the magic of our voices!

“In a world where echoes stir,

and dormant voices start to blur,

there lies a power,

a force untamed,

strong voices are rising,


Using your voice is an emotional outlet; it translates your thoughts into carefully curated words that articulate your fears and emotions. Expressing yourself to friends, colleagues, or professionals will allow you to release any pent-up emotions, reduce excessive stress, and provide you with some much-needed mental clarity.

So, if you can do anything today, call that longtime friend, talk to that family member you haven’t seen in a while, or say “Hello” to that person in front of you at the coffee shop. Feel free to say what is on your mind. I promise that you will feel so much better for it.

“With every sentence and every phrase,

my voice cradles you

through life’s complicated maze,

in this grand conversation,

that we will share,

there are whispers

of truth, hope, love, and care.”

Your voice matters; let it ripple through every word you share because you never know who needs to hear what you have to say.

With love and gratitude,

Becki xxx

Little Letters of Happiness.




Welcome to Little Letters of Happiness! Embracing simplicity and spreading joy through writing. https://littlelettersofhappiness.substack.com