
2 min readJul 1, 2024


These documents detail the events of SLVS chronologically. They have been compiled from a multitude of sources. Hopefully this project will reveal some clues we were unable to determine initially.

Source O-3

Bethany Francis already held the title of oldest Supercentenarian in the United States at the ripe old age of 116*. She was somewhat of a celebrity for her age within her Houston community. She was born during the Taft presidency and survived through FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, all the way up to Trump and Biden. She raised her children as a single mother and her children, and for a long time her sister (who passed away at 95) continued to support each other.

Photo by Jeremy Straub on Unsplash

Source E-5

Chlorus4 to McGregor, Texas

  • We have safely stabilized in orbit.
  • It appears that the chemical components sealed on Earth have survived the launch. Very impressed with your scientists on the ground.
  • We will be setting up our biological experiments shortly. We will continue to monitor the readings of the chemical lab while we establish our own lab.
  • Grateful to work with Silver Industries Incorporated to research food production to battle world hunger.

*The actual oldest living person alive can be found on this list. Fictional names are used for this piece. This is partially so that details can be tweaked and also because the individuals only considered public figures because they remain alive.

LongeviQuest — 110+ Years Of Living History

SLVS is a work of fiction in the horror genre. It’s been bugging me in my head to write it for months nonstop. It’s not the kind of story you can publish two years later, so I’m going to post it as I write it and see how it goes.

This is not a good sample of the type of writing posted by Littlelustlamb but I don’t really want to start a new account for this story. If you are curious what I write normally, I suggest you look at the two indices pinned to my profile.




I go by Lamb. I write poetry and stories that reflects both sides of myself: Innocence & Experience. I also freelance edit.