Snow Bunny

2 min readDec 26, 2022
Between the ashes and the smoke-stained walls

[Banjo and percussion]

We’re on a bus going
‘ North St. Louis
Looking around
Thinking I’m out numbered a bit

[beat beat beat]

Pockets of white
and pockets of black
it’s like a panda
looking ba-ack

[beat beat beat]

It’s just a snow bunny
Well that’s what they call me
And it’s so funny
Been years of progress
that’s what they see

I’m at a job
cleaning up a fire
They’re so surprised
I work enough to perspire

Between the ashes
And the smoke-stained walls
I see the echoes of
What once was

It’s just a snow bunny
Well that’s what they call me
And it’s so funny
Been working so hard but
that’s what we see


And I’m sitting in that room again
Where strong turns to weak
And hope turns to fear




I go by Lamb. I write poetry and stories that reflects both sides of myself: Innocence & Experience. I also freelance edit.