5 Reasons Why TikTok Is So Addicting

Liv Benger
3 min readApr 24, 2020
If you want to see 30 minutes disappear in a blink of an eye, download this app.

Well, I did it. In a moment of quarantine weakness, I downloaded TikTok. At first, I wanted to understand what it was and how it worked. It’s the first social media platform to emerge that I feel too old for. I came of age with Myspace, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. TikTok gained popularity when I was already in my mid-twenties and I just wasn’t interested. Cut to being quarantined with a lot of time on my hands and I finally decided to check it out.

Boy oh boy, did I fall down a rabbit hole. I couldn’t stop scrolling. Thirty minutes would be gone in a blink of an eye as I devoured TikTok after TikTok. Why? Why couldn’t I stop? What made this platform more addicting than Instagram? Sure, I’ve wasted some time on social media but not like this. It’s certainly not the creativity. For every original TikTok, there are hundreds of copies. It’s also not the talent…some of the dances take skill but they’re not that complicated. It’s mostly just pretty girls in crop tops. There’s little enlightening or informative information to engage with so why was I so hypnotized by it? I was at a loss and decided to do some research. Here is what I found…

  1. TikTok learns what you want and will personalize your stream based on which videos you watch more than once, like, or engage with. The more you scroll, the more customized your feed will feel.

