2022 Already Sucks!
Here’s why…
Expectations. We go into every new year with them, high expectations that the year ahead will be more prosperous and enjoyable than the year before. Truthfully, going into a new year with tons of goals without game plans and hope that success and peace will come your way without internal changes, is setting yourself up to fail. Change and success take time and unlike Cinderella, you will not become a whole new person at midnight without diligence and knowledge.
In order to go into this year with your best foot forward create a realistic plan to achieve your goals in a timeframe that you are comfortable sticking to. Stay determined in the new year, and know that set backs you cannot control don’t make you any less capable or deserving of a prosperous life. Next, don’t place so much weight on the year itself. Yes, you have many things you either want to or already have planned for this year; but time is a very malleable thing and in retrospect achieving a goal give or take a month, day, or hour is still achieving it. It will give you the same satisfaction.
In conclusion, the only way to have a good new year is to stop placing weight on the new year itself. Instead, place importance on planning, determination, and peace. Schedule time to meditate on God’s word and enjoy breaks in life. If there is anything the past year has taught me, it is that understanding the gravity of each enjoyable moment is imperative to inner peace. When we place importance on time and its constraints we lack the ability to enjoy the life we are living.