Anysia McDowall
3 min readJan 9, 2022

Self-Care In The New Year: Words, Intentions, Rantings, & Habits

2022! Well, hello. With wrinkled forehead, suspecting tone, and reflective pondering-I great you. Happy New Year!

Happy -Yes!Excited — Yes! and yet I stare deep and long, validly having all the trepidation’s one would feel in month 21 of a global pandemic existence. Sorry not sorry. I’m talking directly to the spotted elephant in the room.

Pulse check on stability.

Yes, ever as always hopeful. Though mildly concerned about many of things one would be concerned with as a connected being to earth, spirit and people.

Yes, I am hawkish mother who often think of the future of her children and more and more finds herself in a concerned state of being. The brooding of many a thing. Democracy, autocracy, climate changes, lack of humanity towards one another…Take your pick.

Pulse check on what is before me and within my power to change.

Deep breath. I’ve got this. Be present in this moment. Center.

I am guessing that like many of the world’s inhabitants — I’m staring down the tunnel of life, seeking for a glimpse into the future. I too am wondering- ‘what shall I do with myself? my life, my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my day to day.’

What lessons have I learned? Which will carry me on?

What colors shall I choose in this limitless paint by number canvas?

How much more will I question how much more I can accomplish, manifest, invite, and make happen in the 3 6 5 of this rotation around the sun… The mind wanders.

Stop. Just stop, I tell myself again. Bring it back. Focus. Center.

This much I know and have found comfort in embracing so far. As a true Caribbean-American, I live to love, laugh, connect, dance, and have a good time. I find peace in the act of cooking and sharing — breaking bread in all its beautiful forms. This is comfort food for my soul. Being surrounded by inspiring spaces in nature and equally with people I love and adore.

So, I’ve been stewing with love and reflecting on the recipe in my pot for this coming year. I stare at it lovingly, like a pot of tender loving prepared chicken soup.

It is full of the wisdom many of my beloved, friends, friend-family, mentors, and teachers have shared with me along the journey.

I share it with you today. Consume what you will. Know that in this moment I am thankful for YOU 🥰 that you are here. Reading these words.

I choose to think that you are walking alongside me, wherever you are in the world in this very moment, in your journey.

So I send you a blessing today and for this new year ahead.

No pressure.

Simply be.

Simply take it step by step.

Day by day.

Have all the feels-wherever they may take you.

And enjoy this food for thought.

Here we go:

  • Take care of yourself and those you love 🌟
  • Rank your personal wellness at the top of each decision-every time🌟
  • Remember that each each sunrise is an opportunity to start fresh and anew
  • Choose the things you say ‘yes’ to wisely 🌟
  • Learn, grow, and change🌟
  • Take it day by day 🌟
  • Treasure family time and make lots of pancakes 🌟
  • Surround yourself with love, laughter, and music 🌟
  • Sing and dance! Especially by yourself! Shower, car, gym, grocery isle. Everywhere🌟
  • Love yourself by listening to your body 🌟
  • Take time to center, meditate, and pray 🌟
  • Take time to play. Everyday 🌟
  • Lay flat on your back watching clouds and stars 🌟
  • Read books that tickle your brain, challenge your thinking, and inspire you 🌟
  • Soak in sunsets. Lots of them 🌟
  • Embark on adventures to feed your soul🌟
  • Ask more questions 🌟
  • Be brave, fearless, and wild at heart. See the vision through 🌟
  • Give yourself and others abundant grace, generosity, and kindness 🌟
  • Invite and bask in Love. Love. + More Love. ♥️

“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.”

Word of the year: HABITS {they tell you everything about yourself and are the key to change desired}

One love ♥️


V 💚

Anysia McDowall

My name is Anysia. I am seeking. I am thriving. I am in it with all of my heart. ♥️