How LiveFeeds are Using the Blockchain to Redefine Digital Marketing

3 min readMar 23, 2018

Product data is used in every area of digital marketing, from affiliate sites to paid search ads. It is incredibly powerful — high quality data can produce profound results in terms of sales conversions, customer satisfaction/retention and the ability to operate over multiple channels. Conversely, low quality data can be a brands undoing with high CPAs, low customer retention and needlessly increased workloads.

We think about data differently.

The industry has been struggling with archaic manual data for too long, we decided it was time to start over. We believe that marketers should be able to add a brand’s product range to their own inventory, and then share that inventory with anyone — without being concerned with data formats, flat files or how and when the data is being communicated. We believe that marketers should be focused on driving their businesses forward without any concern as to how data is shared, data should just “be there” and “be accurate” all the time, automatically.

Marketers rely on annoying popup surveys, email questionnaires and basic click/sale metrics to try and gain insight. We believe that data should flow between everyone in the ecosystem, not just down the chain in one direction. Feedback data should be live and real time. What is currently available is simply not good enough.

The Platform

The LiveFeeds platform is a remarkable engineering achievement. It represents a complete revolution in the way data is shared and managed. After two years of research and development, talking to hundreds of brands, retailers and publishers, we are ready to disrupt what is in data terms a stagnating industry.

We make it easy for brands and retailers to share product data and keep that data consistent, all the time, automatically. It doesn’t matter whether data is being used by ten publishers or a thousand; our automatic real-time system keeps data synchronised 24/7.

Out platform is conceptually based on a Single Product View (SPV) created and managed by brands as they are ultimately the original creators of all product data. Retailers and publishers use this data, they can add to the SPV with their own data, but the original brand messaging is always preserved. This allows brands to actively merchandise their products throughout the entire marketing ecosystem.

The platform also supports reverse flow data that we call LiveFeeds Loopback. We turn the process on its head and allow publishers to send engagement data back up the chain to brands and retailers. This real-time engagement data lets brands see what is happening on the front line. Coupled with the ability to make real-time changes, this creates an incredibly short feedback loop allowing campaigns to be tested, adapted and redeployed quickly while they are running. Brands can also use LiveFeeds Loopback to monitor brand safety, a major issue on the agenda for all brands in 2018. Loopback for Content streams real-time content analysis and consumer sentiment analysis in real time allowing brands to see exactly where their products are being displayed and what content they are being displayed alongside.

This is all made possible thanks to the blockchain and smart contracts. Activity and data transactions are recorded in the ledger giving the system complete transparency. Usage based micropayments allow data to be transacted at the moment it is provided, this is key to allowing the flow of data between all parties in the system. This has never been possible before and we knew we needed to produce an alternative to fiat currency in order to achieve this. We created the XL token and we believe it represents the future for the digital marketing industry.

Find out more

We invite you to read our white paper to learn more about our vision. Full details can be found at

Follow us on twitter: LiveFeeds




Blockchain powered decentralised data infrastructure for the $269B digital marketing industry.