The world needs an ocean of rebellious women and men

Sandra Rohde
4 min readJun 25, 2022

Ever since I was a young teenager I have been fascinated by existentialists.

Their philosophy of freedom, that you are the creator of your own life, always comforted me when I had to go through tough times.

The concept of having a choice to act against an unfree world and a sad existence was a light of hope for me.

I didn’t feel comfortable in my body as a young woman, I felt trapped and unfree because of taking on the ‘role of a woman’ society and education puts on me.

Everything within me rebelled against the “one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”

I wanted to be free like men seemed to be. I tried everything to fit into the ‘boy’s role’: playing soccer, getting into fights at school, the clothes I wore, making my own bows and arrows, refusing to play with ‘girl’s toys’…

The life for the women in my family was tough. I lived with my depressed mother who had to work hard to earn money for our living. My grandmother never seemed to rest, taking care of everyone, the household and farm, cooking, cleaning. She carried all the burden.

I had inherited the concept of working hard, playing by the rules, and accepting how everything is because there’s no way out, only because you are a woman.



Sandra Rohde

Creative soul who loves to support & help you reconnect to yourself, overcome burnout & trauma, find peace & joy within.