How I Found A Weapon Against Imposter Syndrome

From PM to Engineer to Interior Designer, imposter syndrome can be found anywhere

Live Long & Ponder
5 min readDec 30, 2023

Back in school, it was easy to track how well I was doing.

I had conferences, grades, constant teacher feedback, and comparisons with my friends.

With all those in mind, I could focus on certain areas and adjust as necessary.

Reality hit me hard when I got into the “real world”.

A real job with loose expectations and little feedback.

I began to think I wasn’t doing well since no one was there to give me a grade or tell me I needed to do something different.

Working hard is great, but I realized I didn’t understand if my hard work was up to snuff or if I had optimized processes.

This process grew into my ever-dreaded IMPOSTER SYNDROME.

Photo by Miguel Luis on Unsplash

No Feedback Feeds The Imposter Monster

I wasn’t aware of how well I was doing my work, and began to compare myself to people around me. “Oh this person is doing so much work, I must be doing something wrong”.

Instead of asking others about their habits or schedules, I looked only at their output.



Live Long & Ponder

Exploring a new place to learn, find community and discover how to thrive as a lifelong learner. Embracing a growth mindset to uplift others in a chaotic world.