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Living Messy: Embracing Imperfection and the Essence of Being Human

5 min readOct 18, 2023


What does it mean to ‘Live Messy?’ This simple yet profound question beckons us to explore the vibrant mosaic of life woven with threads of authenticity, growth, and imperfection. To ‘Live Messy’ is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, relish the unpredictable, and celebrate the essence of being human.

Living ‘Messy’ is a courageous act of defiance, affirming our humanity in a world that often demands perfection and conformity. It’s an ode to our existence’s beautiful, chaotic, and ever-evolving nature.

Living ‘Messy’ Means…

Showing Up Authentically: To live ‘Messy’ is to wear our true selves unabashedly, to cast aside the masks we don to fit into predefined roles. It means showing up authentically, unafraid of judgment or rejection, and embracing the totality of our unique identities.

Being Human: At the core of ‘Living Messy’ is the acceptance of our humanness. We are fallible, complex, and driven by a multitude of emotions. Instead of hiding our vulnerabilities, we recognize them as a testament to our humanity.

Embracing Messiness: The complexity of life isn’t to be avoided but embraced. We find the most profound moments of growth and self-discovery in the chaos, missteps, and unexpected turns.

Celebrating Imperfection: To ‘Live Messy’ is celebrating our imperfections as integral parts of our stories. Perfection is a facade, a false ideal, while imperfection is the authentic terrain of our existence.

Embodying a Growth Mindset: A ‘Messy’ life is a journey of continuous learning and personal growth. It’s the belief that every mistake is an opportunity, every challenge a chance to learn something new, and every obstacle a stepping stone to a better version of ourselves.

Practicing Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the cornerstone of ‘Living Messy.’ It’s about being fully present, acknowledging each moment without judgment, and immersing ourselves in the intricate mosaic of life. Through mindfulness, we savor the beauty of messiness as it unfolds.

Making Mistakes: Mistakes are not detours but essential parts of the journey. They are the markers of our experiences, the stepping stones to wisdom, and the reminders that we continually evolve.

Learning Something New: A ‘Messy’ Life is an open classroom. It’s a commitment to exploring new ideas, mastering new skills, and expanding our horizons.

Cherishing the Ebb and Flow of Life: Life is a continuous ebb and flow, a dance of highs and lows, laughter and tears. To ‘Live Messy’ is to cherish this rhythm, knowing that both the ups and downs contribute to our unique symphony.

Exploring Possibilities: Living ‘Messy’ is an adventure of possibilities. It’s about stepping into the unknown, navigating uncharted territory, and embracing the uncertainty that often accompanies our choices.

Solving Problems: Messiness often brings challenges and invites creative problem-solving. Living ‘Messy’ is about tackling these problems with curiosity, ingenuity, and determination.

Relinquishing Control: ‘Living Messy’ entails surrendering the illusion of control over every aspect of our lives. It’s understanding that there is beauty in the unpredictability and that growth often flourishes in the unplanned moments.

Acknowledging One’s Complex Emotions: Emotions are complex and multifaceted, and ‘Living Messy’ involves recognizing and understanding the intricate emotional landscape that colors our lives.

Sharing Different, Unique Perspectives: A ‘Messy’ life is enriched by diverse perspectives and worldviews. It means engaging in respectful dialogues, seeking to understand differing views, and learning from the vast mosaic of human experience.

Accepting Ourselves for Who We Are: To ‘Live Messy’ is to let go of self-judgment and self-criticism, to appreciate ourselves for who we are, and to extend that compassion to others.

Building Community: Living ‘Messy’ thrives on shared experiences. It’s about building communities where individuals come together, support one another, and learn and grow as a collective.

Facing Uncertainty: Messiness often carries an air of uncertainty. Living ‘Messy’ is about facing this uncertainty with courage, embracing the unknown, and adapting to life’s ever-shifting landscapes.

Respectfully Debating Different Views: ‘Living Messy’ isn’t about avoiding differences but respectfully engaging in debates, challenging our views, and growing through dialogue.

Practicing Self-Compassion: Compassion begins within. ‘Living Messy’ involves practicing self-compassion, recognizing our worth, and treating ourselves with the same kindness and empathy we offer others.

Thinking Positive: Positivity isn’t about denial but finding a silver lining, learning from experiences, and seeking opportunities within adversity.

Engaging in Artistic Expression: Artistry and creativity often emerge from messiness. ‘Living Messy’ encourages artistic expression through writing, painting, music, or other mediums.

Unleashing Creativity: Creativity knows no bounds in a ‘Messy’ life. It invites exploring the uncharted, allowing creativity to flow without restraint.

Nurturing Curiosity: A ‘Messy’ life thrives on curiosity and the desire to learn. It’s an invitation to question, explore, and continuously seek knowledge.

Encouraging Serendipitous Encounters: ‘Living Messy’ welcomes uncertainty with open arms. It acknowledges that some of life’s most profound moments arise unexpectedly.

Experiencing Spiritual Awakenings: In the messiness of life, spiritual awakenings often occur. It’s a journey of self-discovery that transcends the boundaries of conventional belief systems.

Undergoing Personal Transformation: ‘Living Messy’ is an ongoing process of personal transformation. It’s a willingness to adapt, grow, and evolve in response to life’s ever-changing circumstances.

Taking Messy Action: In a ‘Messy’ life, action precedes perfection. It’s about moving forward even when we don’t have all the answers, taking chances, and stepping out of our comfort zones.

Displaying Vulnerability: Vulnerability is a strength in a ‘Messy’ life. It’s a testament to our authenticity, openness, and willingness to connect with others profoundly.

Enjoying the Process: ‘Living Messy’ reminds us that life is a journey, not just a destination. It’s about savoring every moment and finding joy in the Process itself.

Allowing the Unexpected: The unexpected often brings some of life’s most profound lessons. ‘Living Messy’ means welcoming the unexpected with open arms.

Feeling Brave! To ‘Live Messy’ requires courage. It’s a declaration that we are brave enough to embrace life’s messiness and see its beauty.

Making Everyday Something Special YES! Each day holds the potential for something unique. ‘Living Messy’ is about seizing those moments, recognizing their significance, and celebrating life’s beautiful mess.

In a world where the pursuit of order and perfection often dominates, ‘Living Messy’ is a radical act of authenticity. It celebrates the imperfections, uncertainties, and complexities that make us human. It’s an invitation to explore the beauty of a life lived fully, embracing the messiness with open arms and a sense of wonder. Through ‘Living Messy,’ we discover the vibrant, intricate mosaic of existence and the profound essence that lies within its imperfections.




Mess In Perspective is a quirky, offbeat, & cerebral exploration of #messiness in our lives. EdTech Professional | Instagram: @livemessy_