How Can Phone Psychics and Chat Readings Be Accurate?

Psychic 4 Today
4 min readMay 10, 2020


How Can Phone Psychics and Chat Readings Be Accurate?

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Some people are rightfully skeptical of readings that are done over the phone or online — how can a spiritual advisor read you without seeing you in person?

But most clairvoyants and mediums agree that physical distance between them and a client is actually a good thing.

For starters, you’re likely to be more honest and open with a psychic over the phone or online than you are in person. You may be afraid to even bring up certain sensitive topics with a psychic face-to-face, but you’ll find it’s much easier to convey your innermost thoughts when you have time to type them out.


Another advantage of talking to a phone psychic or online is that it forces them to rely solely on their spiritual abilities instead of physical clues. For example, when you meet with a storefront psychic face-to-face, the reading may be influenced by:

  • The way you’re dressed
  • How you act
  • Whether or not you’re wearing a wedding ring
  • etc…

So if you’re worried that phone, e-mail, and live chat readings aren’t trustworthy, know that they’re probably more reliable than a traditional face-to-face reading because there’s no way they can do a cold reading, intentionally or by accident.


The bottom line is that a good psychic will be able to give you an accurate psychic reading no matter what form of communication you choose, so focus on choosing whichever method that you’re most comfortable with.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is nothing wrong with being a little unsure of the process beforehand, so here are a few of the common questions and answers that may help with any hesitation.

What ​is an online psychic reading?


An ​psychic reading online is a service found on the internet where you can talk to a psychic ​medium remotely via online chat, phone, live video, or email. You can get answers to almost any type of question or topic including career, love, relationships, money, destiny, and more.

If you wanted a psychic reading done 10 years ago, you likely would’ve had to visit your local fortune teller or spiritual advisor in person. Thanks to advancements in technology, you can now receive accurate psychic advice online from the comfort of your own home.

Online psychics that are found on their own independent websites, facebook groups, or craigslist should be avoided. You have a much lesser chance of being scammed if you stick with a reputable psychic network such as the ones recommended on this site.

How often should someone get a psychic reading?

This is completely up to your preferred methods of interacting with your medium — some people prefer to talk with them only as needed, while others like to build up their relationship with their reader by chatting with them regularly. However, there are some catalysts in life that mark good opportunities to reach out to your advisor, such as:

  • If you are about to make a big change in your life
  • You feel like you are stuck in a situation
  • You are having trouble with a relationship
  • You are going through tough times, like a divorce

As long as you are remaining aware and not allowing yourself to become dependent on your advisor for every little decision, a psychic is a wonderful resource for advice and guidance. They are there to guide you when you most need it, but you should know when it is time to ask for that guidance and when it is not necessary.

Are ​psychic predictions ever wrong?

A spiritual advisor can occasionally provide information regarding an event that may or may not occur, but you should never expect a truly accurate future prediction. Advisors are best used for providing insight into your destiny as well as what would be best for you at this moment in your life journey.

These insights come from the spiritual realm, and some psychics are more skilled and intuitive than others. Just because something predicted hasn’t occurred yet, that doesn’t mean that it never will.

In order to ensure that you receive the most accurate predictions possible, stick to the top psychic networks out there and make sure you are forming a bond with your advisor.

Where do online ​psychics get their information?

Spiritual advisors are gifted with a unique sensitivity, called ESP (Extrasensory Perception), that lets them sense, perceive, and feel information that the rest of us cannot. There are different types of this ​ability, including:

  • Clairaudience
  • Clairvoyance
  • Claircognizance
  • Clairsentience

These different sensitivities give them insight into the information and energy that flows around us. In simpler terms, they have the ability to hear something that is so quiet that nobody else can, or they can see much further than a normal person.




Psychic 4 Today

I’ve tried everything from phone readings, love readings, dream analysis, chat readings, tarot, astrology, and everything in between. You name it and I’ve trie