Sugar: pros, cons and alternative sweeteners.

by Sofía Estrella — Storyteller Waku

3 min readOct 25, 2017

There are a lot of myths about sugar, and how it affects our body. A lot of people consume sugar in juices, candies or even coffee.The reason why people love sugar, is because it has a lot of effects in our body that makes us feel good.

The reason why this happen, is because sugar produce dopamine when it is ingested in our body. When dopamine is released to our body, our brain and body feel good. That is why many times when we eat a little bit of chocolate, we want another bite, and another bit, and after 2 minutes, we finished the entire chocolate.

If you say this hasn’t happened to you, you are the lying.

Many people say sugar is bad for our body, but that it not entirely truth.There are a lot of pros and cons about sugar.


- Sugar help our brain to work

This happens because sugar have glucose, which is a stimulant to the nervous system. When the nervous system has glucose, it feels relaxed and makes you feel good.

- Sugar is an energy booster

Sugar has an effect of energy booster in our body, which will make you feel with more energy when you consume it.


- Sugar lower your metabolism

When people consume a lot of sugar it makes the metabolism to low its rhythm. This can cause overweight and while make you accumulate fat in the abdomen.

- Sugar is bad for your teeth

When sugar is consumed in big quantities it can cause caries and is not good for your teeth.

- Increase the risk to have diabetes II

Even though sugar is tasty, there are some alternatives that you can use instead of sugar, for example:

1. Honey

Honey it is one of the best options you can consume. If you go to the supermarket there are many options of different types of honey, but the one I recommend is raw honey. Honey has many properties beneficial for our body like, antioxidants, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and Vitamin B6. Keep in mind that it should be raw honey, which has all those properties, and not processed honey, because that type of honey lose all the properties.

2. Stevia

Stevia make food and juices sweeter than sugar. It is available in different presentations like packets, dissolvable tablets or liquid drops. The only thing I don’t like about Stevia, is the aftertaste that it has.

My Advice:

You should know that consuming any type of sweetener is not bad for your body. The bad thing to do, is to consume sweeteners in big quantities.

They key: consume sweeteners with moderation.

According to the World Health Organization, the recommended amount of sugar that people should consume per day is 25 grams, which is 5 tablespoons.

What is your favorite sweetener?




Waku Editor. Waku is an Andean Herbal Infusion made with more than 20 herbs and flowers from the Andes.