Shanon Dawn
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Relationships & Marriage Paths

Have you been to a class for relationships? I have. What you will find there are, focussed discussions, emotions release and progress being made. No one escapes without putting their heart into it. Why else would someone be in a relationship? Good question.

Lots of couples get into relationships to avoid fears of being alone or to fulfill their need to have children, but few get married just for love. There’s often times an agenda with manipulation to get what’s needed in order to feel happy. Sounds harsh but it’s true. Why else is divorce a hot topic?

Divorce is prominent because the minute someone’s needs are not consistently met, restlessness sets in, excuses to distance themselves starts and alternative shiny objects or people take precedents over the relationship. Instead, there should be a desire to navigate forward and be flexible with curiosity and opportunities to learn more about yourself and the marriage.

When making a mature commitment with someone special in your life, there needs to be an understanding that you’re responsible for meeting your own needs, This means keeping yourself happy, progressing in hobbies, maintaining your health and getting help when your not at your best. Being a partner means enhancing your optimism and putting a smile on your face to be an extra source of inspiration. If that’s not you, will you reconsider?

There are thousands of combinations as to why couples behave the way they do. They are unfamiliar with recognizing the hurt they cause their partner. The unawareness can break the happiness to a point of no return. Extreme problems start from little issues that don’t make sense, spiral into confusion and hurt which leads to internal isolation. That’s sad and unacceptable. Be responsible for yourself but also be reliable as a person with integrity.

Again I ask can you be the partner or spouse that changes things around?

Go from struggling to flourishing.

Decide to discuss exactly what you sense is going on, ask your partner if that’s the correct interpretation, explain how it makes you feel and ask how you both can work towards a solution and then keep each other on track. All it takes is one partner to get the ball rolling in the right direction.

If a couple finds this challenging to do on their own, find a therapist or relationship advisor like me to assist.

I help couples translate their emotional struggles into aha moments by using a common sense approach.

There’s always room for a relationship to blossom, all you need to do is be consistent with the changes you both agree on.

I encourage couple to decide a path of healing instead of separation.

You now have some ideas to help, use them and may your relationship be one that empowers you!

If you’re interested in learning more visit

Shanon Dawn Life & Relationship Coach. 📚Author of The Marriage Prescription. Follow me on “Instagram @LiveYourWildestDreamsLifeCoach @bickeringstops twitter