Adorable child visits the Trump White House and is selected to flash the White Supremacy hand signal in a photo opp with the President

Livia Scott
1 min readMar 9, 2017


On Tuesday, March 7th, students from the Briarwood Christian Academy in Brimingham Alabama visited the White House. News outlets have been running this story, featuring a video of Donald surprising the kids and screaming.

While the reactions to this have been from “Aww cute” to “These kids sound terrified!!!” something else happened that is far more interesting, and sinister.

The one child selected for a photo opp with the President flashed the White Power hand symbol.

This symbol has also been flashed by white supremacist White House press corp invitees Jim Hoft and Lucian Wintrich, and white supremacist White House advisor Stephen Miller, protege of notorious white supremacist senior Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

I’m not the only one who has noticed. Deadline noted it, and Blogger Joe. My. God. but it has since been removed. Has he been threatened?

Doubting this kid is flashing the white power signal? Watch the video again and notice how he has his hands in his pockets and then flashes the signal right before the photo is taken.

He was the only child selected for the photo opp.

