Songs I Like… A LOT: Introduction

…couldn’t really think of any picture that could suit this post, but this works, haha!

Almost every single day, I always happen to come across some good music, whether it’s hip-hop, jazz, soul or alternative. Good music is universal, as they say. And one thing I like to do is let out my thoughts on the music I’ve listened to (which is the reason why this blog exists in the first place, ha!)

Ever since transitioning my blog from Blogspot to Medium, I wanted to try different things with how I review shit. A long running blog named HIP HOP ISN’T DEAD was actually my main inspiration for creating this L.I.F.E blog back in 2014, and I originally started off with track-to-track reviews before finding a better style for me to get my thoughts off. The HHID blog is ran by a guy named Max, and one of the blog’s recent endeavours from a few years back was a series named “For the Max-Approved Mixtape”, which touched on songs the guy has enjoyed. I felt inspired to do something similar, but how…?

As a way to break from my usual album reviews every now and then, I originally decided to use Medium’s mobile “series” feature to start a new series on this blog/platform. However, I ended up finding the format lowkey confusing, so at the end of it all, I just decided to stick with my normal “Stories” format, since it’s way more easier to manage for me. I honestly didn’t know what to call this series at first, so I just stuck with a straightforward title.

These are “Songs I Like… A LOT!”… just think of it as a delve into my playlist of random songs I enjoy listening to, whether it’s hip-hop, R&B or jazz (It’s mainly gonna be hip-hop tho). The following future posts in the series will be tackling songs individually… stay tuned!



L.I.F.E (Living in a Full-Time Era)

A hip-hop blog space where I do album reviews and sometimes feature articles. Est. 2014