How To Make Him Obsessed With You With 5 Effective Steps

Shan Moore
9 min readOct 18, 2023


how to make him obsessed with you

Are you looking for ways to make your partner obsessed with you? Do you want to know how to keep his attention and make him fall deeply in love with you? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with tips and tricks to make him obsessed with you using these 5 practical steps.

Understanding Obsession is the first step to making him obsessed with you. Obsession is an intense desire or interest in something or someone. It’s important to understand that obsession can be both positive and negative. In this case, we’re talking about a positive obsession where your partner is deeply in love with you and cannot stop thinking about you.

Building Emotional Connection is key to keeping your partner obsessed with you. Emotional connection is the bond that you have with your partner that goes beyond physical attraction. It’s the connection that you have on a deeper level, where you understand each other’s thoughts and feelings. Building an emotional connection takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding obsession is the first step to making him obsessed with you.
  • Building emotional connection is key to keeping your partner obsessed with you.
  • Effective techniques and helpful tips can help you create desire and maintain the obsession.

1. Understanding Obsession

Before delving into the ways to make him obsessed with you, it’s important to understand what obsession actually means. Obsession is an intense and persistent fixation on someone or something. It’s a state of mind where a person’s thoughts and actions revolve around a particular object of desire.

While obsession can be unhealthy and even dangerous, it’s important to note that not all forms of obsession are negative. In fact, a healthy level of obsession can lead to a deeper connection and stronger bond between two people.

When it comes to making him obsessed with you, it’s important to understand that you can’t force someone to feel a certain way. However, you can take steps to enhance the connection between you and increase the likelihood that he will become more obsessed with you over time.

One key aspect of this is creating a sense of emotional connection. This means taking the time to learn about his interests, values, and goals, and showing genuine interest in his life. By doing so, you create a foundation for a unique and lasting bond that can lead to greater levels of obsession over time.

Another important factor is maintaining a sense of mystery and excitement in the relationship. This means keeping things fresh and unpredictable, trying new things together, and keeping the romance alive. By doing so, you create a sense of anticipation and excitement that can fuel his obsession with you.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that obsession is not something that can be forced or manufactured. Rather, it’s a natural and organic process that arises from a deep and meaningful connection between two people. By focusing on building that connection and enhancing the bond between you, you can increase the likelihood that he will become more obsessed with you over time.

2. Building Emotional Connection

building an emotional connection

To make him obsessed with you, it’s important to build a strong emotional connection. This means taking the time to really get to know him and understand what makes him tick. When you show a genuine interest in his life, you create a unique and lasting bond.

One way to build an emotional connection is to listen intently to what he has to say. This means actively engaging in conversations and asking questions to show that you’re interested in what he has to say. By doing this, you’ll be able to learn more about his interests, dreams, and goals.

Another way to build an emotional connection is to share common interests. If you both have a passion for a particular hobby or activity, make time to do it together. This will not only help you bond, but it will also create memories that you can cherish together.

Supporting his dreams is also a great way to build an emotional connection. Whether he wants to start his own business or pursue a new hobby, show him that you believe in him and that you’re there to support him every step of the way.

By taking the time to build an emotional connection, you’ll be able to make him feel understood and appreciated. This will help him become more attached to you and ultimately, become obsessed with you.

3. Creating Desire

Creating desire is a crucial step in making him obsessed with you. You want to make him want you badly, and the best way to do that is to create a sense of mystery and intrigue around yourself.

One way to create desire is to be confident and independent. Men are attracted to women who are comfortable in their own skin and have their own lives outside of the relationship. Show him that you have your own interests and passions, and that you don’t need him to complete you.

Another way to create desire is to be playful and flirty. Tease him and make him work for your attention. Don’t always be available to him, and make him wonder what you’re up to when you’re not with him.

Physical touch is also a powerful way to create desire. Touch him lightly on the arm or shoulder when you’re talking to him, and make eye contact to let him know that you’re interested. Don’t be afraid to be a little bit bold and make the first move.

Finally, communication is key in creating desire. Let him know how you feel about him, and be open and honest about your needs and desires. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, and be willing to compromise to make the relationship work.

By creating desire, you can make him want you badly and become obsessed with you. Remember to be confident, playful, and communicative, and you’ll be well on your way to a happy and fulfilling relationship.

4. Applying Effective Techniques

If you’re looking to make him obsessed with you, there are a few techniques you can use to make yourself irresistible. In this section, we’ll cover two types of techniques: psychological and communication.

Psychological Techniques

  1. Emotional Connection: One of the most effective ways to make him obsessed with you is to create an emotional connection. Take the time to learn about his interests and understand what makes him tick. When you show a genuine interest in him, you create a unique and lasting bond.
  2. Mystery and Intrigue: Men love a challenge. If you can keep him guessing, he’ll be more interested in you. Don’t reveal everything about yourself all at once. Instead, keep some things a mystery and let him uncover them over time.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Men respond well to positive reinforcement. When he does something you like, let him know. Compliment him and show him that you appreciate him. This will encourage him to continue behaving in a way that you find attractive.

Communication Techniques

  1. Active Listening: One of the most important communication techniques is active listening. When he talks, really listen to what he’s saying. Show him that you value his opinions and are interested in what he has to say.
  2. Body Language: Your body language can communicate a lot more than your words. Use it to your advantage. Make eye contact, smile, and lean in when you’re talking to him. This will show him that you’re interested in him and what he has to say.
  3. Flirting: Flirting is a great way to make him obsessed with you. Use playful banter, touch him lightly, and maintain eye contact. Just be careful not to overdo it or come on too strong.

By using these techniques, you can make yourself irresistible to him. Remember to be genuine and authentic in your interactions with him. If you try to be someone you’re not, he’ll see right through it. Stay confident, knowledgeable, and clear in your communication, and he’ll be obsessed with you in no time.

More Helpful Tips

If you want to make your man obsessed with you, there are some helpful tips that you can follow. Here are some of the most effective ones:

Be Confident

Confidence is key when it comes to making a man obsessed with you. Men are attracted to confident women who know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it. So, be confident in yourself and your abilities. Believe in yourself and your worth, and he will too.

Show Interest

Show interest in him and his life. Ask him questions about himself and really listen to his answers. Show him that you care about him and what he has to say. This will make him feel appreciated and valued, and he will be more likely to become obsessed with you.

Be Independent

Men love independent women who have their own lives and interests. Don’t be clingy or needy, and don’t rely on him for your happiness. Have your own hobbies, friends, and goals, and pursue them with passion. This will make you more attractive to him and will make him want to be around you more.

Be Flirty

Flirting is a great way to make a man obsessed with you. Use body language, eye contact, and playful banter to show him that you’re interested in him. Be confident and playful, and don’t be afraid to take the lead sometimes.

Be Supportive

Be supportive of him and his goals. Encourage him to pursue his dreams and be there for him when he needs you. This will make him feel like you’re on his team and will make him more likely to become obsessed with you.

5. Maintaining the Obsession

keeping the obsession alive

So, you’ve successfully made him obsessed with you. Congratulations! But how do you maintain that level of interest and keep him hooked? Here are some tips to help you keep the spark alive:

Keep the Mystery Alive

One of the reasons he became obsessed with you in the first place is because there was an element of mystery and intrigue. Don’t reveal everything about yourself all at once. Keep some things to yourself and slowly reveal more about yourself over time. This will keep him interested and wanting to learn more about you.

Show Genuine Interest

Just because he’s obsessed with you doesn’t mean you can stop showing interest in him. Continue to ask him questions about his life, interests, and goals. Show genuine interest in what he has to say and actively listen to him. This will make him feel valued and appreciated, and he’ll be more likely to stay obsessed with you.

Keep Things Exciting

Don’t let your relationship become stagnant. Keep things exciting by trying new things together, going on adventures, and exploring new places. This will keep the relationship fresh and exciting, and he’ll continue to be obsessed with you.

Maintain Your Independence

Just because he’s obsessed with you doesn’t mean you have to give up your independence. Continue to pursue your own interests and hobbies, and maintain your own social life. This will show him that you’re a strong, independent woman, and he’ll be even more obsessed with you because of it.

Be Yourself

Finally, the most important tip of all is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not in order to impress him. Be authentic, genuine, and true to yourself, and he will appreciate you for who you are. This will make him more likely to become obsessed with you and want to be around you all the time.


In conclusion, making him obsessed with you is not about manipulation or control, but rather about building a strong and genuine connection. Understanding the concept of healthy obsession is the first step towards creating a deep and lasting bond. It’s important to recognize that true obsession arises organically from a profound emotional connection and shared experiences.

Building this emotional connection is paramount, as it fosters mutual understanding and appreciation. Actively listening, supporting his dreams, and sharing common interests are ways to cultivate this bond, making him feel understood and valued.

Creating desire is another crucial step in making him obsessed with you. Confidence, playfulness, and effective communication techniques are essential for sparking and maintaining that sense of desire. Being yourself and maintaining your independence will only serve to enhance your allure and keep the relationship exciting.

Once you’ve successfully made him obsessed with you, remember to keep the spark alive. Continue to nurture the mystery and intrigue in the relationship, show genuine interest in his life, keep things exciting, and maintain your independence. As always, be your authentic self, as this will create a bond that goes beyond obsession and turns into a deep, lasting love.

Read also: Check out my previous article.

